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陶俊,东南大学信息科学与工程学院教授、博士生导师。2010年于美国密苏里大学获博士学位,2011-2015在美国高通(Qualcomm)公司任高级工程师,从事UMTS/LTE基带芯片研发,期间获Qualcomm QualstarDiamond Award,2016年被聘为东南大学信息科学与工程学院教授。研究方向包括海洋信息、太赫兹无线通信及机器学习等,在水声通信方面的研究工作得到 IEEE 海洋工程协会(OES)官方推荐。
C. -X. Wang, J. Wang, S. Hu, Z.H. Jiang, J. Tao and F. Yan, “Key technologies in 6G Terahertz wireless communicationsystems: A survey,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Oct. 2021.
D. Li, Y. Wu, M. Zhu, and J. Tao,“An enhanced iterative receiver based on vector approximate message passing fordeep-sea vertical underwater acoustic communications,” Journal of the AcousticalSociety of America, vol. 149, no. 3, pp. 1549-1558, 2021. (The proposediterative receiver was tested byexperimental data collected in the deep-sea trials of the manned submersible Jiaolong in August 2011)
Z. Qin, J. Tao, and Y. Xia, “Aproportionate recursive least squares algorithm and its performance analysis,”IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 68, no. 1, pp.506-510, Jan. 2021.
J. Tao, Y. Wu, X. Han, and K.Pelekanakis, “Sparse direct adaptive equalization for single-carrier MIMOunderwater acoustic communications,” IEEEJournal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 1622-1631, Oct. 2020.
J. Tao, L. Yang, and X. Han, “Enhancedcarrier frequency offset estimationbased on Zadoff–Chu sequences,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 23, no. 10,pp. 1862-1865, Oct. 2019.
J. Tao, “DFT-Precoded MIMO OFDMunderwater acoustic communications,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 805-819, July2018. (recommended by IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES); 16-time top-5monthly popular article of JOE during 2018.07-2019.12)
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