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徐鹏,东南大学医学院研究员,博士生导师。曾任西奈山伊坎医学院讲师,长期从事生物信息学、衰老生物学和肿瘤生物学研究,发表SCI论文22篇,以第一作者(含共同)发表包括Cell Systems、 Genome Research、Molecular Neurodegeneration、Aging Cell和Bioinformatics在内的国际著名学术期刊10篇。论文总引760次, H-index 为 15。
1. 人体不同组织衰老细胞的精细鉴定与调控机制解析
2. 人类重大疾病的多维组学整合与调控网络分析
3. 人体发育与疾病关键标志物的鉴定及治疗策略开发
1. 东南大学新进教师启动经费,主持,2024-2027
2. 东南大学学科交叉青年特支计划,子课题负责人,2024-2027
衰老是导致机体老化和多种人类疾病的关键因素。然而,衰老细胞的组织分布、关键调控因子和作用机制仍知之甚少。课题组在衰老的网络方法开发、网络模型构建和代谢调控机制研究取得了一系列进展:1)开发了共表达网络分析新方法,能够揭示网络的拓扑结构,生成精细的基因模块;2)构建了50种人体组织的衰老调控网络,解析了衰老基因的功能模块和关键的细胞类型;3)阐明了衰老的代谢机制,鉴定了胰岛素抵抗的分子网络及驱动基因。共发表22篇SCI论文,包括 Nature Medicine、 Nature Aging、 Nature Cell Biology 和 Nature Cancer 等顶尖期刊。其中10篇以第一/通讯作者发表于Cell Systems、Aging Cell、Molecular Neurodegeneration、Genome Research和Bioinformatics等知名期刊。参与 NIH R01 科研项目等 4项, 参与国际大型群体队列 AAGMEx、 GTEx、 Mount Sinai Brain Bank(MSBB)和 TCGA 的数据分析,论文引用数为 760, H-index 为 15。
1、Xu, P. , Kong, Y.,Palmer, N., Ng, M., Zhang, B., and Das, S.K. (2024). Integrated Multi-OmicAnalyses Uncover the Effects of Aging on Cell-Type Regulation inGlucose-Responsive Tissues. AgingCell, 23(8): e14199. (一作兼通讯)
2、Xu,P. andB. Zhang (2023). Multiscale network modeling reveals the gene regulatorylandscape driving cancer prognosis in 32 cancer types. Genome Research33(10): 1806-1817. (一作兼通讯, 封面文章)
3、Xu, P. +, Wang, M.+, Sharma, N.K. +, Comeau, M.E., Wabitsch, M., Langefeld,C.D., Civelek, M., Zhang, B., and Das, S.K. (2023). Multi-omic integration reveals cell-type-specific regulatory networksof insulin resistance in distinct ancestry populations. Cell Systems 14, 41-57.e48.
4、Xu, P., Wang, M., Song, W.M.,Wang, Q., Yuan, G.C., Sudmant, P.H., Zare, H., Tu, Z., Orr, M.E., and Zhang, B.(2022). The landscape of human tissue andcell type specific expression and co-regulation of senescence genes. Molecular Neurodegeneration 17, 5.
5、Wang,M. +, Song, W.M. +, Ming, C. +, Wang, Q.+, Zhou, X. +, Xu, P.+, Krek, A., Yoon, Y., Ho, L., Orr, M.E., et al. (2022). Guidelines for Bioinformatics of Single-CellSequencing Data Analysis in Alzheimer’s Disease: Review, Recommendation,Implementation and Application. MolecularNeurodegeneration 17, 17. (共同一作)
6、Xu, P., Chen, Y., Gao, M.,Chong, Z. (2021). ClipSV: Improvingstructural variation detection by read extension, spliced alignment, andtree-based decision rules. NAR GenomBioinform 3, lqab003.
7、Xu, P., Kennell Jr, T., Gao,M., Consortium, H.G.S.V., Kimberly, R.P., and Chong, Z. (2020). MRLR: unraveling high-resolution meioticrecombination by linked reads. Bioinformatics36, 10-16.
8、Kong,Y.+, Xu, P.+,Jing, X., Chen, L., Li, L., and Li, X. (2017). Decipher the ancestry of the plant-specific LBD gene family. BMC Genomics 18, 1-10. (共同一作)
9、Xu, P. +, Kong, Y. +,Song, D., Huang, C., Li, X., and Li, L. (2014). Conservation and functional influence of alternative splicing in woodformation of Populus and Eucalyptus. BMCGenomics 15, 1-12.
10、Xu,P.,Kong, Y., Li, X., and Li, L. (2013). Identificationof molecular processes needed for vascular formation through transcriptomeanalysis of different vascular systems. BMC Genomics 14, 1-11.
1、Huang,F., Xu, P., Yue, Z., Song, Y., Hu, K., Zhao, X., Gao, M., & Chong,Z. (2024). Body Weight Correlates with Molecular Variances in Patients withCancer. Cancer Research, 84(5), 757-770.
2、Gonzales,M. M., Garbarino, V. R., Kautz, T. F., Palavicini, J. P., Lopez-Cruzan, M.,Dehkordi, S. K., Mathews, J. J., Zare, H., Xu, P., Zhang, B., Franklin,C., Habes, M., Craft, S., Petersen, R. C., Tchkonia, T., Kirkland, J. L.,Salardini, A., Seshadri, S., Musi, N., & Orr, M. E. (2023). Senolytictherapy in mild Alzheimer's disease: a phase 1 feasibility trial. NatureMedicine, 29(10), 2481-2488.
3、Choi,I., Wang, M., Yoo, S., Xu, P., Seegobin, S. P., Li, X., Han, X., Wang,Q., Peng, J., Zhang, B., & Yue, Z. (2023). Autophagy enables microgliato engage amyloid plaques and prevents microglial senescence. NatureCell Biology, 25(7), 963-974.
4、Song,W. M., Elmas, A., Farias, R., Xu, P., Zhou, X., Hopkins, B., Huang, K.L., & Zhang, B. (2023). Multiscale protein networks systematicallyidentify aberrant protein interactions and oncogenic regulators in seven cancertypes. Journal of Hematology & Oncology, 16(1), 120.
5、Forst,C. V., Zeng, L., Wang, Q., Zhou, X., Vatansever, S., Xu, P., Song, W.M., Tu, Z., & Zhang, B. (2023). Multiscale network analysis identifiespotential receptors for SARS‐CoV‐2 and reveals their tissue‐specific andage‐dependent expression. FEBS Letters, 597(10), 1384-1402.
6、Zhang,Z., Luo, L., Xing, C., Chen, Y., Xu, P.,Li, M., Zeng, L., Li, C., Ghosh, S., Della Manna, D., et al. (2021). RNF2 ablation reprograms the tumor-immunemicroenvironment and stimulates durable NK and CD4+ T-cell-dependent antitumorimmunity. Nature Cancer 2,1018-1038.
7、Dehkordi,S. K., Walker, J., Sah, E., Bennett, E., Atrian, F., Frost, B., Woost, B.,Bennett, R. E., Orr, T. C., Zhou, Y., Andhey, P. S., Colonna, M., Sudmant, P.H., Xu, P., Wang, M., Zhang, B., Zare, H., & Orr, M. E. (2021). Profilingsenescent cells in human brains reveals neurons with CDKN2D/p19 and tauneuropathology. Nature Aging, 1(12), 1107-1116.
2024年1月 – 至今:研究员,东南大学
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