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Personal Information

  • 副教授
  • 导师类别:硕士生导师
  • 性别: 女
  • 学历:博士研究生
  • 学位:博士


Contact Information

  • 所属院系:医学院
  • 所属专业: 影像医学与核医学
  • 邮箱 : tianyu@seu.edu.cn
  • 工作电话 : -


Personal Profile

汤天宇,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为基于人工智能的临床数据挖掘。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,江苏省自然科学基金青年项目1项。近五年在EBioMedicine, Journal of Neurology等国际期刊发表论文20余篇,累计影响因子126.4。2018年入选江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才创新人才团队,2019年获江苏省科技进步二等奖,2020年获江苏省本科高校青年教师教学竞赛二等奖。

  • 研究方向Research Directions

1.     国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于深度神经网络的醒后卒中患者组织窗量化及疗效预测研究,2021/01-2024/12,在研,主持,24万。

2.     江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,基于影像新技术的醒后卒中患者发病时间窗智能化判定算法研究,2020/07-2023/06,在研,主持,20万。


1. Tang, T.Y., Y. Jiao, Y. Cui,D.L. Zhao,Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, X.P. Meng, X.D. Yin, Y.J. Yang, G.J. Teng and S.H.Ju*(2020). "Penumbra-based radiomics signature as prognostic biomarkersforthrombolysis of acute ischemic stroke patients: a multicentercohortstudy." Journal of Neurology, 267(5): 1454-1463.

2.Tang, T.Y.#, Y. Jiao#, Y. Cui,C.H.Zeng, D.L. Zhao, Y. Zhang, C.Y. Peng, X.D. Yin, P.Y. Gao, Y.J. Yang, S.H.Ju*and G.J. Teng* (2018). "Development and validation of apenumbra-basedpredictive model for thrombolysis outcome in acute ischemicstrokepatients." EBioMedicine, 35: 251-259

3.Cui, Y.#, T.Y. Tang#, C.Q. Lu,Y. Cai, T. Lu,Y.C. Wang, G.J. Teng and S.H. Ju* (2020). "Abnormal cingulumbundleinduced by type 2 diabetes mellitus: a diffusion tensortractographystudy." Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 12: 451.

4.Tang, T.Y., Y. Luan, Y. Jiao,J.Zhang, S.H. Ju and G.J. Teng* (2020). "Disrupted amygdala connectivityisassociated with elevated anxiety in sensorineural hearing loss."Frontiersin Neuroscience 14: 1310.

5.Liu, Y.#, T. Tang#, N. Örmeci#,Y. Huang#, J. Wang#, X. Li#, Z. Li, W. An, D. Liu, C. Zhang, C. Liu, J. Liu, C.Liu, G. Wang, C.Mosconi, A. Cappelli, A. Bruno, S. Akçalar, E. Çelebioğlu, E. Üstüner, S. Bilgiç,Z. Ellik, Ö. Ö. Asiller, L. Li, H. Zhang,N. Kang, D. Xu, R. He, Y. Wang, Y.Bu, Y. Gu, S. Ju, R. Golfieri and X. Qi(2021). "Noncontrast-enhancedMRI-based Noninvasive Score for PortalHypertension (CHESS1802): AnInternational Multicenter Study." Journal ofClinical and TranslationalHepatology 000(000): 000-000.

6.Cui, Y., T. Y. Tang, C. Q. Lu,T. Lu, Y. C. Wang, G. J. Teng and S. Ju(2021). "Disturbed InterhemisphericFunctional and Structural Connectivityin Type 2 Diabetes." J Magn ResonImaging.

7.Wang, Z., J. Xie, T. Y. Tang,C. H. Zeng, Y. Zhang, Z.Zhao, D. L. Zhao, L. Y. Geng, G. Deng, Z. J. Zhang, S.H. Ju and G. J. Teng(2020). "Collateral Status at Single-Phase andMultiphase CT Angiographyversus CT Perfusion for Outcome Prediction in AnteriorCirculation AcuteIschemic Stroke." Radiology 296(2):393-400.

8.Ji, Q., J. Hou, X. Yong, G.Gong, M. Muddassir, T. Tang, J. Xie, W. Fan and X. Chen (2021). "TargetedDual Small Interfering Ribonucleic Acid Delivery via Non-Viral PolymericVectors for Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapy." Adv Mater: e2007798.

9.Liu, Y., Z. Ning, N. Ormeci, W.An, Q. Yu, K. Han, Y. Huang, D. Liu, F. Liu, Z. Li, H. Ding, H. Luo, C. Zuo, C.Liu, J. Wang, C. Zhang, J. Ji, W. Wang, Z. Wang, W. Wang, M. Yuan, L. Li, Z.Zhao, G. Wang, M. Li, Q. Liu, J. Lei, C. Liu, T. Tang, S. Akcalar, E.Celebioglu, E. Ustuner, S. Bilgic, Z. Ellik, O. O. Asiller, Z. Liu, G. Teng, Y.Chen, J. Hou, X. Li, X. He, J. Dong, J. Tian, P. Liang, S. Ju, Y. Zhang and X.Qi (2020). "Deep Convolutional Neural Network-aided Detection of PortalHypertension in Patients With Cirrhosis." Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol.

10.Luan, Y., R. Salvi, L. Liu, C.Lu, Y. Jiao, T. Tang, H. Liu and G. J. Teng (2021). "High-frequencyNoise-induced Hearing Loss Disrupts Functional Connectivity in Non-auditoryAreas with Cognitive Disturbances." Neuroscience Bulletin 37(5): 720-724.

11.Luan, Y., C. Wang, Y. Jiao, T.Tang, J. Zhang, C. Lu, R. Salvi and G. J. Teng (2020). "Abnormalfunctional connectivity and degree centrality in anterior cingulate cortex inpatients with long-term sensorineural hearing loss." Brain Imaging andBehavior 14(3): 682-695.

12.Luan, Y., C. Wang, Y. Jiao, T.Tang, J. Zhang and G. J. Teng (2019). "Dysconnectivity of MultipleResting-State Networks Associated With Higher-Order Functions in SensorineuralHearing Loss." Front Neurosci 13: 55.

13.Luan, Y., C. Wang, Y. Jiao, T.Tang, J. Zhang and G. J. Teng (2019). "Prefrontal-Temporal PathwayMediates the Cross-Modal and Cognitive Reorganization in Sensorineural HearingLoss With or Without Tinnitus: A Multimodal MRI Study." Frontiers in Neuroscience13.

14.Meng, X. P., Y. C. Wang, S. Ju,C. Q. Lu, B. Y. Zhong, C. F. Ni, Q. Zhang, Q. Yu, J. Xu, J. Ji, X. M. Zhang, T.Y. Tang, G. Yang and Z. Zhao (2020). "Radiomics Analysis on MultiphaseContrast-Enhanced CT: A Survival Prediction Tool in Patients With HepatocellularCarcinoma Undergoing Transarterial Chemoembolization." Front Oncol 10:1196.

15.Meng, X. P., Y. C. Wang, J. Y.Zhou, Q. Yu, C. Q. Lu, C. Xia, T. Y. Tang, J. Xu, K. Sun, W. Xiao and S. Ju(2021). "Comparison of MRI and CT for the Prediction of MicrovascularInvasion in Solitary Hepatocellular Carcinoma Based on a Non-Radiomics andRadiomics Method: Which Imaging Modality Is Better?" J Magn Reson Imaging54(2): 526-536.

16.Xu, R., Y. Bai, S. Min, X. Xu,T. Tang and S. Ju (2020). "In vivo Monitoring and Assessment of ExogenousMesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes in Mice with Ischemic Stroke byMolecular Imaging." Int J Nanomedicine 15: 9011-9023.

17.Xu, X. M., Y. Jiao, T. Y. Tang,C. Q. Lu, J. Zhang, R. Salvi and G. J. Teng (2019). "Altered Spatial andTemporal Brain Connectivity in the Salience Network of Sensorineural HearingLoss and Tinnitus." Front Neurosci 13: 246.

18.Xu, X. M., Y. Jiao, T. Y. Tang,J. Zhang, C. Q. Lu, Y. Luan, R. Salvi and G. J. Teng (2019). "Dissociationbetween Cerebellar and Cerebral Neural Activities in Humans with Long-TermBilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss." Neural Plast 2019: 8354849.

19.Xu, X. M., Y. Jiao, T. Y. Tang,J. Zhang, C. Q. Lu, R. Salvi and G. J. Teng (2019). "Sensorineural hearingloss and cognitive impairments: Contributions of thalamus using multiparametricMRI." J Magn Reson Imaging 50(3): 787-797.

20.Xu, X. M., Y. Jiao, T. Y. Tang,J. Zhang, R. Salvi and G. J. Teng (2019). "Inefficient Involvement ofInsula in Sensorineural Hearing Loss." Front Neurosci 13: 133.


1.     江苏省本科高校青年教师教学竞赛,二等奖,2020

2.     东南大学第27届教师授课竞赛,三等奖,2019

3.     代谢性疾病影像新技术和新方法发研发和应用(排9),江苏省科学技术奖,二等奖,2019

4.     江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才,创新人才团队:分子影像和功能影像(排7),2018

5.     国家一流本科专业-医学影像学(排6),2020

6.     江苏省高校品牌专业-医学影像学(核心骨干教师),2020

7.      江苏高校省级外国留学生英文授课精品课程-分子和功能影像学(排6),2016-2019



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