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主持完成国家自然科学基金(面上项目、青年基金项目)、江苏省自然科学基金(青年基金项目)等科研课题多项,近年来以第一作者和通讯作者在国际知名学术期刊包括Cancer Letters、Advanced Healthcare Materials、Biomaterials等发表SCI 收录论文 30 余篇。入选2022年度全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。
1、国家自然科学基金委员会, 国家重大科研仪器研制项目, 82227808, 人体器官芯片多模态测量系统,2023-01-01 至 2027-12-31, 907.1万元, 在研, 参与
2、国家自然科学基金委员会, 国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 82061148012, 基于可编程自组装RNA纳米笼新型智能递送平台的癌症精准治疗研究, 2020-10-01 至 2023-09-30, 200万元, 结题, 参与
3、江苏省科学技术厅, 社会发展-重点项目-临床前沿技术, BE2019738, 基于生物智能可降解材料的肿瘤精准医疗, 2019-07 至 2022-06, 200万元, 结题, 参与
4、江苏省科学技术厅, 社会发展-重点项目-临床前沿技术, BE2019716, 基于原位自组装‘磁探针’效应和纳米消融的恶性肿瘤早期精准诊疗新技术研发及应用, 2019-07 至 2022-06, 200万元, 结题, 参与
1. Wenwen Xu; Nishant Patel; Yuxia Deng;Shuang Ding; Tingya Wang; Haijun Zhang;Extracellular vesicle-derived LINC00482induces microglial M2 polarization to facilitate brain metastasis of NSCLC,Cancer Letters, 2023, 561: 216146 (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 唯一通讯作者)(影响因子:9.7)
2. Tingya Wang; Yihan Wang; Tengfei Liu;Fangfang Yu; Liu Liu; Hongjie Xiong; Wenwen Xu; Xin Fan; Xiaohui Liu; HuiJiang; Haijun Zhang; Xuemei Wang ; Potentiating Immunogenic Cell Death in ColdTumor with Functional Living Materials of FeAu‐Methylene Blue Composites,Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2024, 13(2302767) (期刊论文)( 本人标注: 共同通讯作者 ) (影响因子:10.0)
3. Yan-Jie Cheng; Fan Fan; Zhong Zhang; Hai-jun Zhang; Lipid metabolism inmalignant tumorbrain metastasis: reprogramming and therapeutic potential,Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets,2023, 27(9): 861-878 (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 唯一通讯作者 ) (影响因子:5.8)
4. Fan Fan; Haijun Zhang ; A case description of pulmonary entericadenocarcinoma with KRAS G12D mutation, Quantitative Imaging in Medicine andSurgery, 2023, 13(12): 8787-8792 (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 唯一通讯作者 )
5. Nishant Patel; Wenwen Xu; Yuxia Deng;Jiyang Jin; Haijun Zhang ; Cross-Scale Integrationof Nano-Sized ExtracellularVesicle-BasedBiomarker and Radiomics Features for Predicting SuspectedSub-Solid Pulmonary Nodules Vesicle-Based Biomarker and Radiomics Features forPredicting Suspected Sub-Solid Pulmonary Nodules, Journal of BiomedicalNanotechnology, 2021,17(6): 1109-1122 (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 共同通讯作者 )
6. He J, Ramachandraiah K, Huang T, Yuan T,Liu X, Zhang H, Ke F. Core-shell structured hollow copper sulfide@metal-organicframework for magnetic resonance imaging guided photothermal therapy in secondnear-infrared biological window. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2023 Jan1;638:51-57. (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 共同通讯作者 )
7. Guo H, Chen J, Yu H, Dong L, Yu R, Li Q,Song J, Chen H, Zhang H, Pu J, Wang W. Activation of Nrf2/ARE pathway byAnisodamine (654-2) for Inhibition of cellular aging and alleviation ofRadiation-Induced lung injury. Int Immunopharmacol. 2023;124(Pt A):110864. (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 共同通讯作者 )
5. DengY, Xue R, Patel N, Xu W, Zhang H. Serum Extracellular Nano-Vesicles miR-153-3pto Identify Micronodular Lung Cancer from Sub-Centimeter Lung Nodules. J BiomedNanotechnol. 2022;18(3):705-717. (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 共同通讯作者 )
8. ZhangZ, Zhang HJ. Glycometabolic rearrangements-aerobic glycolysis in pancreaticductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC): roles, regulatory networks, and therapeuticpotential. Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2021;25(12):1077-1093. (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 唯一通讯作者 )
9. DingS, Zhang H, Wang X. Microfluidic-Chip-Integrated Biosensors for Lung DiseaseModels. Biosensors (Basel). 2021;11(11):456. (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 共同通讯作者 )
19. ZhangZ, Pu J, Zhang H. Development and Validation of a Simple-to-Use Nomogram toPredict Early Death in Metastatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Front Oncol.2021;11:729175. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.729175. (期刊论文) (本人标注: 唯一通讯作者 )
11. Zhou S, Zhang H. Synergies of TargetingAngiogenesis and Immune Checkpoints in Cancer: From Mechanism to ClinicalApplications. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2020;20(7):768-776. (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 唯一通讯作者 )
12. Li J, Zhang J, Guo Z, Jiang H, Zhang H,Wang X. Self-Assembly Fabrication of Honeycomb-like Magnetic-FluorescentFe3O4-QDs Nanocomposites for Bimodal Imaging. Langmuir.2020;36(48):14471-14477. (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 共同通讯作者 )
13. Lv Y, Patel N, Zhang HJ. The progressof non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as the risk of liver metastasis incolorectal cancer. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Dec;13(12):1169-1180.(期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 唯一通讯作者 )
15. Zhang H, Patel N, Ding S, Xiong J, WuP. Theranostics for hepatocellular carcinoma with Fe3O4@ZnO nanocomposites.Biomater Sci. 2016;4(2):288-298. (期刊论文) ( 本人标注:第一作者 )
16. Zhang H. Erythrocytes in nanomedicine:an optimal blend of natural and synthetic materials. Biomater Sci.2016;4(7):1024-31. (期刊论文) ( 本人标注:第一作者 )
17. Deng Y, Zhang H. The synergistic effectand mechanism of doxorubicin-ZnO nanocomplexes as a multimodal agentintegrating diverse anticancer therapeutics. Int J Nanomedicine.2013;8:1835-41. (期刊论文) ( 本人标注: 唯一通讯作者 )
18. Zhang H, Jiang H, Sun F, Wang H, ZhaoJ, Chen B, Wang X. Rapid diagnosis of multidrug resistance in cancer byelectrochemical sensor based on carbon nanotubes-drug supramolecularnanocomposites. Biosens Bioelectron. 2011;26(7):3361-6. (期刊论文) ( 本人标注:共同第一作者 )
19. Zhang H, Chen B, Jiang H, Wang C, WangH, Wang X. A strategy for ZnO nanorod mediated multi-mode cancer treatment.Biomaterials. 2011;32(7):1906-14. (期刊论文) ( 本人标注:第一作者 )
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