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1. YuJW#, Zhao DL#*,Li RY, Wu Y, Chen XH, Ge H, Li C, JuS. Association of culprit plaque enhancement ratio,hypoperfusion and HbA1c with recurrent ischemic stroke in patients with atherosclerotic stenosis of the middle cerebral artery. European Journal of Radiology. 2023,168:111107. (通讯作者)
2. Li RY, Yu JW, Chen XH, Han QQ, Ge H, Li C, Ju S, Zhao DL*.Association of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus with intracranialplaque characteristics in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Br J Radiol.2023,96(1143):20220802. (通讯作者)
3. Li RY#, Zhao DL#*, Yu JW, Wu Y, Chen XH,Ge H, Li C, Ju S. Intracranial plaque characteristics on high-resolution MRIand high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels: association and clinical relevance in acute cerebral infarction. Clin Radiol. 2023,78(5): e442-e450. (通讯作者)
4. Zhao DL,Li RY, Li C, Chen XH, Yu JW, Zhang Y, Ju S*. Assessment of the degree ofarterial stenosis in intracranial atherosclerosis using 3D high-resolution MRI:comparison with time-of-flight MRA, contrast-enhanced MRA, and DSA. ClinRadiol. 2023,78(2):e63-e70.
5. Zhao DL, Li C,Chen XH, Ju S,Gang D,Bo X,TengGJ*. Reproducibility of 3.0T High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging for theIdentification and Quantification of Middle Cerebral Arterial AtheroscleroticPlaques. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 2019, 28(7):1824-1831.
6. Zhao DL,Sheppard A,Ralli M,Liu X,Salvi R*.Prolonged low-level noise exposure reduces rat distortion product otoacoustic emissionsabove a critical level.Hearing Research,2018,370:209-216.
7. Zhao DL, Deng G, Xie B, Gao B,Peng CY,Fang N,Yang M Ju S, TengGJ* . Wall Characteristicsand Mechanisms of Ischemic Stroke inPatients with Atherosclerotic Middle Cerebral Artery Stenosis: A high‑resolution MRI study. Neurol Res,2016,38(7):606-613.
8. Zhao DL, Deng G,Xie B, Ju S,Yang M,ChenXH,Teng GJ*. High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Vessel Wall in Patients with SymptomaticAtherosclerotic Stenosis of the MiddleCerebral Artery. J Clin Neurosci, 2015,22(4):700-704.
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