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1998 - 2003,中国科学院大连化学物理研究所,物理化学,硕博连读,博士
1994 - 1998,山东大学,应用化学,学士
2018 - 至今,东南大学,化学化工学院,教授
2006 - 2018,东南大学,化学化工学院,副教授
2003 - 2004,日本山梨大学
1. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,BK20151408,有机溶剂升华干燥对氧化物气凝胶成型及微观结构的影响机理研究,2015/07-2018/06,10万元,已结题,主持。
2. 企业合作项目,8507040216,新材料公共技术服务平台建设协议,2017/10-2018/12,50万元,已结题,主持。
3. 东南大学高校基本科研业务费高水平论文项目,3207046418,具有特定三维网络结构的氧化物气凝胶的可控合成,2016/03-2017/12,8万元,已结题,主持。
4. 东南大学高校基本科研业务费专项资金,3207045411,无机氧化物气凝胶的干燥成型机制研究,2015/07-2016/06,5万元,已结题,主持。
5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,21206018,过渡金属磷化物催化剂上微波辅助三氯乙烯加氢脱氯的研究,2013/01-2015/12,25万元,已结题,主持。
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,22275035,固态碳量子点的氢键组装与性能研究,2023/01-2016/12,54万元,在研,主持。
[1] JianliangBai, Guojun Yuan, Xu Chen, Lu Zhang, Yaqing Zhu, Xinyu Wang, Lili Ren*.Simple strategy for scalable preparation carbon dots: RTP, time-dependence fluorescenceand NIR behaviors, Advanced Science, 2021.
[2] YaqingZhu, Jianliang Bai, Zhujun Huang, Guojun Yuan, Lu Zhang, Xinyu Wang, LiliRen*. A universal strategy for preparing carbon quantum dot-basedcomposites with blue and green afterglow luminescence, MaterialsChemistry Frontiers, 5: 8161, 2021.
[3] GuojunYuan; Jianliang Bai; Lu Zhang; Xu Chen; Lili Ren*. The effect of Pvacancies on the activity of cobalt phosphide nanorods as oxygen evolutionelectrocatalyst in alkali, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,284: 119693, 2021.
[4] JianliangBai, Guojun Yuan, Yaqing Zhu, Zhujun Huang, Lu Zhang, Xinyu Wang, Shuang Wu,Lili Ren*. Study on the Origin of Fluorescence by Using Dual-EmissionCarbon Dots, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125: 18543, 2021.
[5] LuZhang, Guojun Yuan, Xinyu Wang, Jianliang Bai, Yaqing Zhu, Lili Ren*, Non-negligibleoxygen atoms in transition metal phosphides: research on the role of oxygen in hydrodechlorination,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(29): 15967, 2021.
[6] YushaMa, Xiaomeng Zhang, Jianliang Bai, Kai Huang*, Lili Ren*. Facile,controllable tune of blue shift or red shift of the fluorescence emission ofsolid-state carbon dots, Chemical Engineering Journal, 374: 787,2019.
[7] JianliangBai, Yusha Ma, Guojun Yuan, Xu Chen, Jing Mei, Lu Zhang, Lili Ren*. Solvent-controlledand solvent-dependent strategies for the synthesis of multicolor carbon dotsfor pH sensing and cell imaging, Journal of Materials Chemistry C,7: 9709, 2019.
[8] JingMei, Guojun Yuan, Yusha Ma, Xu Chen, Lili Ren*. Fe-doped alumina aerogels as a green heterogeneouscatalyst for efficient degradation of organic pollutants, CatalysisLetters, 149:1874, 2019.
[9] BingyingGao, Yusha Ma, Jing Mei, Shaoxiang Lu, *Lili Ren.Functional nanocomposite wet gels and aerogels induced by transition/lanthanidemetal ions coordination, Chemical Engineering Journal, 331:597-605, 2018.
[10] Shaoxiang Lu, Hanghui Xu, Bingying Gao, LiliRen*. A simple method to freely adjust the crystallinephase and micro-morphology of NixPy compounds, New Journal of Chemistry,41: 8497-8502, 2017.
[11] XiaomengLiu, Lili Ren*.The Influence of Polyethylene Glycol on the Synthesis and Activity of MoPfor the Hydrodechlorination of Trichloroethylene, RSC Advances, 6(9):7413-7418, 2016.
[12] QinghuiGuo, Lili Ren*.Hydrodechlorination of Trichloroethylene over MoP/γ-Al2O3Catalyst with High Surface Area, Catalysis Today, 264: 158-162, 2016.
[13] FengchaoCao, Lili Ren*, Xueai Li. Synthesisof high strength monolithic alumina aerogels at ambient pressure, RSCAdvances, 5(23): 18025-18028, 2015.
[14] LiliRen*, Sumin Cui, Fengcao Chao, QinghuiGuo. An easy way to prepare monolithic inorganic oxide aerogels, AngewandteChemie International Edition, 2014, 53 (38), 10147-10149.
[15] LiliRen*, Tao Zhang. Reduction of NO with methane over Fe/ZSM-5 catalysts, Chinese Chemical Letters, 21: 674–677, 2010.
图1 有机溶剂升华干燥制备气凝胶原理示意图
图2 系列无机氧化物气凝胶样品
图3 碳气凝胶样品
2. 碳量子点的制备与性能研究。
图4 碳点与MOF的组装策略
图5 通过氢键构筑的固态发光碳点
图6 无溶剂法构筑固态发光碳点
二、 多相催化的研究。
1. 催化剂的制备研究。特别是过渡金属磷化物催化剂的设计和性能研究,包括其活性晶面,晶面暴露程度、晶型结构、缺陷位等的研究;
2. 催化反应的研究。主要包括加氢脱氯反应的研究、电解水的研究。
图7 磷化钴表面磷空位对OER性能的影响
图8 尿素对磷化镍晶型结构的调控
图9 氯离子对磷化镍暴露晶面的调控
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