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1. ADDINEN.REFLIST Ding M, Chen Y, Guan WJ, et al. Measuring AirwayRemodeling in Patients with Different COPD Staging Using Endobronchial OpticalCoherence Tomography. CHEST 2016; 150(6):1281-1290
2.丁明,袁成,李萍,黄静,朱晓莉. 稳定期慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者肺泡灌洗液中IL-8、IL-17水平的相关性研究[J]. 南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2019,06:884-889.
3. Ding M, Wu Y, Jing H, et al.Endobronchial ultrasound elastography for differentiating between benign andmalignant lymph nodes: a meta-analysis. Minerva Med 2019.doi:10.23736/S0026-4806.19.06025-7.
4. 张李娜, 熊霞佩, 李萍, et al. 右美托咪定或咪达唑仑复合羟考酮用于经支气管镜超声引导针吸活检术的麻醉效果比较. 临床麻醉学杂志 2020; 36:262-265
5. Ding M, Zhang Q, Li Q, et al. Correlation analysis ofthe severity and clinical prognosis of 32 cases of patients with COVID-19.Respir Med 2020; 167:105981
6. Qiu F, Wu Y, Zhang A, et al. Changes of coagulation function and riskof stroke in patients with COVID-19. Brain Behav 2021; 11:e02185
7. Pan SY, Ding M, Huang J, etal. Airway resistance variation correlates with prognosis of critically illCOVID-19 patients: A computational fluid dynamics study. Comput MethodsPrograms Biomed 2021; 208:106257
8. Huang J, ZhuXL, Wu Y, et al. Combined effects of low-dose gambogic acid and NaI(131) indrug-resistant non-small cell lung cancer cells. Oncol Lett 2021; 22:588
9.Ding M, Pan SY, Huang J, et al.Optical coherence tomography for identification of malignant pulmonary nodulesbased on random forest machine learning algorithm. PLoS One.2021 Dec 31;16(12):e0260600.
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