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王猛副研究员,出生于1991年2月,江苏盐城人,主要从事液晶高分子材料及智能软驱动器的设计及应用研究,先后主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目、J委ZBFZ部ZB预研共用技术领域快速扶持项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、江苏省自然科学基金项目等多个纵横向项目的科研工作,作为骨干成员参与ZBFZ部十三五预研、十四五预研等重大项目的研究工作,已经在Nature Communications、Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Advanced Science、Small、Chemical Communications、Macromolecules等国际一流学术期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇,他引500余次,获授权国防专利及国家发明专利8项,并获得了2019年江苏省优秀博士学位论文。
在Nature Communications, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Advanced Science, Small, Macromolecules, Chemical Communications等国内外期刊发表论文30余篇,论文被国内外同行引用500余次,个人主页:https://publons.com/researcher/3047252/meng-wang/.
[26] Zhu, Y.; Huang, J.; Mi, H.; Xu, Z.; Ai, Y.; Gong, S.; Li, C.; Wang, M.*; Chen, L.* “Intrinsically Photothermal-Driven and Reconfigurable Liquid Crystal Elastomer Actuators Enabled by Multifunctional Dynamic Covalent Organic Photothermal Molecules”. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2025, e202421915.
[25] Wang, M.;# Cai, X.;# lv, Q.;# Han, J.; Liu, Q.; Hu, S.; Miao, M.; Jiang, Y.*; Wang Z.* “One-Step Synthesis of Carboxylated Polyethylene Glycol- Modified Polystyrene Microspheres and Their Application in the Luminescent Oxygen Channel Immunoassay”. Langmuir, 2025, 41, 2427−2435.
[24] Qian, N.; Hu, J.; Huang,S.; Liu, Z.; Wang, M.*; Keller, P.; Yang,H.* “Patterned Photonic Actuators with Dynamic Shape-Morphing and Color-Changing Capabilities Fabricated by Athermal Embossing Technology”. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, 63, e202406534.
[23] Shao, S.; Bao, M.; Chen, R.; Zhang, Z.; Lu, H.; Wang, M.*; Yang,H.* “A Discotic Mesogenic near-infrared absorbing dye and its application in photo-responsive liquid crystal elastomers”. Giant, 2024, 18, 100271.
[22] Wang, M.; Li, J.; Yang, H.* “Dynamic diselenide bond-enabled liquid crystal elastomer-based two-way shape memory aerogels with weldability and closed-loop recyclability”. Smart Molecules, 2023, 1, e2023.
[21] Zhu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Wu, F.*; Wang, M.*; Chen, L.* “Liquid-crystal elastomers based on covalent adaptable networks: From molecular design to applications.” Science China Materials, 2023, 66, 3004-3021.
[20] Wang, M.; Jiang, C.; Yang, H.* “Electrically Driven Crosslinked Liquid Crystal Polymers”. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 41, 2925-293.
[19] Wang, M.; Wu, H.; Yang, H.* “Preparation and Properties of Irradiation-Resistant Transparent Polyimide”. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2023, 54, 1579-1587.
[18] Wang, M.; Huang, X.; Yang, H.* “Photothermal-Responsive Crosslinked Liquid Crystal Polymers”. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2023, 308, 2300061.
[17] Wang, M.; Hu, T.; Bisoyi, H. K.; Yu, Z.; Liu, L.; Song, Y.; Yang, J.; Yang, H.*; Li, Q.* “Rheological Tunable Magnetic Fluids with Long-Term Stability”. Small, 2023, 19, 2204609. (Back Cover)
[16] Wang, M.*; Yang, J. F. Progress in Chemistry, 2022, 34, 168-177.
[15] Hou, Y.; Hu, W.; Wang, M.*; Yang, H.* “Mechanical Property of Carbon Nanotube/Liquid Crystal Elastomer Composite Materials”. Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays, 2022, 37, 241-249.
[14] Wang, M.; Song, Y.; Bisoyi, HK; Yang, J. F., Liu, L.; Yang, H.*; Li, Q.* “Liquid Crystal Elastomer Based Unprecedented Two-Way Shape-Memory Aerogel”. Advanced Science, 2021, 8, 2102674.
[13] Wang, M.; Chu, D.; Liu, L.; Huang, S.; Chen, X.; Liu, Z.; Yang, H.* “Intelligent Surfaces Thermally Switchable between the Highly Rough and Entirely Smooth States”. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2021, 39, 1609-1616.
[12] Wang, M.; Hu, X.; Zuo, B.; Huang, S.; Chen, X.; Yang, H.* “Liquid Crystal Elastomer Actuator with Serpentine Locomotion”. Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 7597-7600.
[11] Wang, M.; Cheng, Z.; Zuo, B.; Chen, X.; Huang, S.; Yang, H.* “Liquid Crystal Elastomer Electric Locomotives”. ACS Macro Letters, 2020, 9, 860-865.
[10] Wang, M.*; Ma, D. Y.; Wang C. J. “Near-Infrared Light Responsive Liquid Crystal Elastomers”. Progress in Chemistry, 2020, 32, 1452-1461.
[9] Wang, M.; Bao, W.; Chang, W.; Chen, X.; Lin, B.; Yang, H.*; Chen, E.* “Poly[(side-on mesogen)-alt-(end-on mesogen)]: A Compromised Molecular Arrangement”. Macromolecules, 2019, 52, 5791-5800.
[8] Wang, M.; Jin, H.; Chen, X.; Lin, B.; Yang, H.* “A Sulfur(VI) Fluoride Exchange Click Chemistry Approach towards Main Chain Liquid Crystal Polymers Bearing Sulfate Ester Groups”. Polymer Chemistry, 2019, 10, 3657-3664.
[7] Wang, M.; Han, Y.; Guo, L.; Lin, B.; Yang, H.* “Photocontrol of Helix Handedness in Curled Liquid Crystal Elastomers”. Liquid Crystals, 2019, 46, 1231-1240.
[6] Wang, M.; Xing, J.; Sun, Y.; Guo, L.; Lin, B.; Yang, H.* “Thiol-Ene Photoimmobilization of Chymotrypsin on Polysiloxane Gels for Enzymatic Peptide Synthesis”. RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 11843-11849.
[5] Wang, M.; Lin, B.; Yang, H.* “A Plant Tendril Mimic Soft Actuator with Phototunable Bending and Chiral Twisting Motion Modes”. Nature Communications, 2016, 7, 13981.
[4] Wang, M.; Guo, L.; Lin, B.; Zhang, X.; Sun, Y.; Yang, H.* “Photo-Responsive Polysiloxane-Based Azobenzene Liquid Crystalline Polymers Prepared by Thiol−Ene Click Chemistry”. Liquid Crystals, 2016, 43, 1626-1635.
[3] Wang, M.; Wang, J.; Yang, H.*; Lin, B.; Chen, E.*; Keller, P.; Zhang, X.; Sun, Y. “Homeotropically-Aligned Main-Chain and Side-on Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Films with High Anisotropic Thermal Conductivities”. Chemical Communications, 2016, 52, 4313-4316.
[2] Wang, M.; Mir Sayed, S.; Guo, L.; Lin,B.; Zhang, X.; Sun, Y.; Yang, H.* “Multi-Stimuli Responsive Carbon Nanotube Incorporated Polysiloxane Azobenzene Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Composites”. Macromolecules, 2016, 49, 663-671.
[1] Wang, M.; Wang, P.; Tian, Q.; Liu, J.; Deng, J.; Li, N.; Zhou, J.* “Epoxidation of 1-Butene to 1,2-Butene Oxide by Transition Metal Disubstituted P–W–Mo Ternary Heteropoly Quaternary Ammonium Salts.” Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2015, 41, 8891-8906.
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