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  • 教授
  • 导师类别:硕,博士生导师
  • 性别: 男
  • 学历:博士研究生
  • 学位:博士


Contact Information

  • 所属院系:医学院
  • 所属专业: 基础医学
  • 邮箱 : chaojie@seu.edu.cn
  • 工作电话 : 025-83272312


Personal Profile


从事矽肺的临床与基础研究,尤其关注非编码RNA ,如环状RNA在矽肺病程发展全过程中的作用及其机制,对二氧化硅(SiO2)引起的肺泡巨噬细胞激活的分子机制,以及下游肺成纤维细胞过度增殖、迁移并活化,释放胶原,最终导致不可逆纤维化的生成过程进行深入研究。已发表相关SCI文章100余篇,本领域经典杂志如Nat CommunPart Fibre ToxicolCell BiosciBiosens BioelectronTheranosticsAJRCMBFASEB JCommun BiolResp ResRNA BioAm J Physiol-Lung CToxicol SciToxicol Appl PharmacolFood Chem ToxicolCellDeath Dis等杂志,被Nat Rev Cardiol多篇综述文章点评。获国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金和江苏省自然科学基金(面上项目)及江苏省“六大人才”高峰项目支持;参与编著人卫版规划教材《基础医学概论》。

  • 研究方向Research Directions



  讲   师-王静

  技术员-罗 薇





  博   士-蒋荣,黄洁,王莎,陈梦灵    

  硕   士-杨西月,郭会芳,陈露露,储汉,廖艳,杨富煌,丁嘉伟,印娟,史晓妮,周馨蓓,杨少奇,孙票票,孙玉恒,沙晓娟,张聪














◆“治疗矽肺炎性反应及肺纤维化的新靶点-MCPIP1 (ZC3H12A)的作用机制研究”,国家自然科学基金委-面上项目,81473263, 73万元,2015-2018,负责人



◆“矽肺炎症和纤维化治疗新靶点-MCPIP1 的作用机制研究”,中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部-留学人员科技活动项目,3万元,2015年,负责人

◆“肺缺氧致微循环炎症反应的机制研究”(Mechanisms of microvascularinflammation induced by alveolarhypoxia),美国心脏协会(American Heart Association, AH),52000美元,2008-2010,负责人



110. Dai X, Cheng Y, Luo W, Wang J, Wang C, Zhang X, Zhang W#, Chao J#. m6A RNA methylation in fibrotic diseases of visceral organs. Small Sci. 2024, 10.1002/smsc.202400308. (SCI, IF:11.1, Q1)

109.Yang L*, Wei X*, Sun P, Wang J, Zhou X, Zhang X, Luo W, Zhou Y, Zhang W, Fang S#, Chao J#. Deciphering the spatial organization of fibrotic microenvironment in silica particles-induced pulmonary fibrosis. J Hazard Mater. 2024, 478:135540. (SCI, IF:12.2, Q1)

108. Zi S*, Wu X*, Tang Y*, Liang Y, Liu X, Wang L, Li S, Wu C, Xu J, Liu T, Huang W, Xie J, Liu L, Chao J#. Qiu H#. Endothelial Cell-Derived Extracellular VesiclesPromote Aberrant Neutrophil Trafficking and Subsequent Remote Lung Injury. Adv Sci. 2024, 2400647.  (SCI, IF:14.3, Q1)

107. Wang L*, Tang Y*, Tang J, Liu X, Zi S, Li S, Chen H, Liu A, Huang W, Xie J, Liu, L, Chao J#, Qiu H#.  Endothelial cell-derived  extracellular  vesicles  expressing surface VCAM1 promote sepsis-related acute lung  injury  by  targeting  and  reprogramming  monocytes.  J  Extracell  Vesicles. 2024, 13:e12423.(SCI, IF:15.5, Q1)

106. Zhou X*, Zhang C*, Yang S*, Yang L, Luo W, Zhang W, Zhang X, Chao J#. Macrophage-derived MMP12 promotes pulmonary fibrosis through sustained damage to endothelial cells in silicosis. J Hazard Mater. 2024, 461:132733. (SCI, IF:12.2, Q1)


98. Zhang X, Shi X, Xie F, Liu Y, Wei X, Cai Y, Chao J#. Dissecting pulmonary fibroblasts heterogeneity in lung development, health and diseases. Heliyon. 2023, 9:e19428. (SCI, IF:4, Q2) PubMedPDF WOS:001069550200001

97. Yang S*, Sun Y*, Long M*, Zhou X*, Yuan M, Yang L, Luo W, Cheng Y, Zhang X, Jiang W#, Chao J#. Single-cell transcriptome sequencing–based analysis: probing the mechanisms of glycoprotein NMB regulation of epithelial cells involved in silicosis. Part Fibre Toxicol. 2023, 20(1):29. (SCI, IF:10, Q1) PubMedPDF WOS:001029441200001

96. Chen M*, Wang J*, Yuan M*, Long M, Sun Y, Wang S, Luo W, Zhou Y, Zhang W, Jiang W#, Chao J#. AT2 cell–derived IgA trapped by the extracellular matrix in silica-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Int Immunopharmacol. 2023, 122:110545. (SCI, IF:5.6, Q1) PubMedPDF WOS:001030607200001

95. Wang J, Zhang X, Long M, Yuan M, Yin J, Luo W, Wang S, Cai Y, Jiang W#, Chao J#. Macrophage-derived GPNMB trapped by fibrotic extracellular matrix promotes pulmonary fibrosis. Commun Bio. 2023, 6:136. (SCI, IF:5.9, Q1) PubMedPDF WOS:000925802900005

94.Li B*, Xi W*, Bai Y, Liu X, Zhang Y, Li L, Bian L, Liu C, Tang Y, Shen L, Yang L, Gu X, Xie J, Zhou Z, Wang Y, Yu X, Wang J, Chao J#, Han B#, Yao H#. FTO-dependent m6A modification of Plpp3 in circSCMH1-regulated vascular repair and functional recovery following stroke. Nat Commun. 2023, 14(1):489. (SCI, IF:16.6, Q1) PubMedPDF WOS:000955780200014

93. Chen Z*, Huang J*, Zhang J*, Xu Z, Li Q, Ouyang J, Yan Y, Sun S, Ye H, Wang F, Zhu J, Wang Z, Chao J#, Pu Y#, Gu Z#. A storm in a teacup - A biomimetic lung microphysiological system in conjunction with a deep-learning algorithm to monitor lung pathological and inflammatory reactions. Biosens Bioelectron. 2023, 219:114772. (SCI, IF:12.6, Q1) PubMedPDF WOS:000885971400004

90.王煜州,孙票票,孙玉恒,沙晓娟,巢杰#,王静#. 中性粒细胞与肺纤维化关系的研究进展. 东南大学学报(医学版). 2022; 42(1): 149-153. PDF


89. Liu Y*, Zhang X*, Wang J*, Yang F*, Luo W, Huang J, Chen M, Wang S, Li C#, Zhang W#, Chao J#. ZC3H4 regulates infiltrating monocytes, attenuating pulmonary fibrosis through IL-10. Resp Res. 2022, 23:204.(SCI, IF:5.8, Q1) PubMedPDF WOS:000840090800001

88. Shi X*, Wang J*, Zhang X*, Yang S, Luo W, Wang S, Huang J, Chen M, Cheng Y#, Chao J#. GREM1/PPP2R3A expression in heterogeneous fibroblasts initiates pulmonary fibrosis. Cell Biosci. 2022, 12:123. (SCI, IF:7.5, Q1) PubMedPDF WOS:00083677850000

87. Wang S*, Luo W*, Huang J, Chen M, Ding J, Cheng Y, Zhang W, Fang S, Wang J#, Chao J#.  The combined effects of circRNA methylation promote pulmonary fibrosis. Am J Resp Cell Mol Biol. 2022,66(5):510-523.(SCI, IF:6.4, Q1) PubMed PDF (Highlighted Paper,Editorial) WOS:000790563500010

86. Yin J*, Wang J*, Zhang X*, Liao Y*, Luo W, Ding J, Huang J, Chen M, Wang W#, Fang S#, Chao J#.  A missing piece of the puzzle in pulmonary fibrosis: anoikis resistance promotes fibroblast activation. Cell Biosci. 2022,12:21. (SCI, IF:7.5, Q1) PubMedPDF WOS:000769551500002

85. Ghafoor H, Chu H, Huang J, Chen M, Wang S, Wang J#, Chao J#. ZC3H4 promotes pulmonary fibrosis via an ER stress-related positive feedback loop. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2022, 435,115856. (SCI, IF:3.8, Q1) PubMedPDF WOS:000789925000001

84. Han B, Xi W, Hong Y, Gu L, Chao Y, Li L, Liu C, Yang L, Chao J#, Yao H#.  Mutual regulation of noncoding RNAs and RNA modifications in psychopathology: Potential therapeutic targets for psychiatric disorders? Pharmacol Ther. 2022,108254.(SCI, IF:13.5, Q1) PubMedPDF WOS:000843902000002

83. Li S#, Chen Z, Zhang W, Wang T, Wang X, Wang C, Chao J#, Liu L#. Elevated expression of the membrane-anchored serine protease TMPRSS11E in NSCLC progression. Carcinogenesis. 2022, 43(11):1092-1102. (SCI, IF:4.7, Q2) PubMedPDF WOS:000851216300001

77. 丁旭,张浩天,杨凯哲,王哲,张宇,成于思#,巢杰#.外泌体在肺相关疾病中的诊治作用及其分子机制研究进展. 东南大学学报(医学版). 2022; 41(5): 725-730.PDF

76. 周馨蓓, 张伟, 巢杰#. 基于单细胞RNA 测序和空间转录组测序分析矽肺中巨噬细胞差异基因及其功能.环境与职业医学.2022, 39(12): 1350-1358. PDF

75. 杨少奇, 史晓妮, 成于思, 巢杰#. 基于单细胞转录组测序探索FABP5在矽肺纤维化中II型肺泡上皮细胞的特异性表达. 环境与职业医学. 2022, 39(10):1089-1094. PDF

74. 史晓妮,杨少奇,成于思,巢杰#. PPP2R3A通过调控p53的表达促进矽肺肺纤维化. 中国药科大学学报. 2022. 53(4):491 - 498


73.Dai X, Cheng Y, Wang C, Huang J, Chao J#. Role of Circular RNAs in Visceral Organ Fibrosis. Food Chem Toxicol. 2021.150:112074.(SCI, IF:5.572, Q1) PubMedPDF WOS:000632294100026

72.Jiang R#, Han L, Gao Q, Chao J#. ZC3H4 Mediates Silica-induced EndoMT via ER Stress and Autophagy. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2021, 84:103605. (SCI, IF:5.785, Q2) PubMedPDF WOS:000643672100005

71.成于思,罗薇,沈灵,巢杰#。疫情背景下医学“生理学”课程思政的探索。科教文汇. 2021,517(1),54-58PDF

70. 罗薇,王莎,李永琪,王静,杨少奇,巢杰#。矽肺早期炎症中环状RNA氮6-腺苷酸甲基化修饰差异。中华劳动卫生职业病杂志. 2021, 39(12), 899-902 PDF MEDLINE:35164417

Before 2020

69.Huang J, Huang J, Ning X, Luo W, Chen M, Wang Z, Zhang W, Zhang Z#, Chao J#. CT/NIRF dual-modal imaging tracking and therapeutic efficacy of transplanted mesenchymal stem cells labeled with Au nanoparticles in silica-induced pulmonary fibrosis. J Mater Chem B. 2020, 8 (8), 1713-1727. (SCI, IF:6.331, Q1) PubMedPDF

68.Huang J, Huang, J, Bao H, Ning X, Yu C, Chen Z, Chao J#, Zhang Z#. CT/MR dual-Modal Imaging tracking of mesenchymal stem cells labeled with Au/GdNC@SiO2 nanotracer in pulmonary fibrosis. ACS Applied Bio Materials. 2020, 3, 2489-2498.  ACSPDF

67.Zhang W, Zhu T, Chen L, Luo W, Chao J#. MCP-1 mediates ischemia/reperfusion-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis via MCPIP1 and CaSR. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2020,318(1):H59-H71. (SCI, IF:4.733, Q1) PubMedPDF

66.Chen L, Luo W, Zhang W, Chu H, Wang J, Dai X, Cheng Y, Zhu T#, Chao J#. circDLPAG4/HECTD1 mediates ischaemia/reperfusion injury in endothelial cells via ER stress. RNA Biology. 2020, 17(2):240-253.(SCI, IF:4.652, Q1) PubMed PDF

65.Chu H, Wang W, Luo W, Zhang W, Cheng Y, Huang J, Wang J, Dai X, Fang S, Chao J#. circHECTD1 mediates pulmonary fibroblast activation via HECTD1. Ther Adv Chronic Dis. 2019, Vol. 10: 1-18.(SCI, IF:4.257,Q1) PubMedPDF

64.Jiang R, Liao Y, Yang F, Cheng Y, Dai X, Chao J#. SPIO nanoparticle-labeled bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells inhibit pulmonary EndoMT induced by SiO2. Exp Cell Res.2019, 383(1):111492. (SCI, IF:3.383, Q2) PubMedPDF

63.Cheng Y, Luo W, Li Z, Cao M, Zhu Z, Han C, Dai X, Zhang W, Wang J, Yao H, Chao J#. CircRNA-012091/PPP1R13B-mediated lung fibrotic response in silicosis via ER stress andaautophagy. Am J Resp Cell Mol Biol. 2019, 61(3):380-391. (SCI, IF:5.373, Q1) PubMedPDF

62.Jiang R, Zhou Z, Liao Y, Yang F, Cheng Y, Huang J, Wang J, Chen H, Zhu T, Chao J#. The emerging roles of a novel CCCH-type zinc finger protein, ZC3H4, in silica-induced epithelial tomesenchymal transition. Toxicol Lett. 2019; 307:26-40. (SCI, IF:3.569, Q2) PubMedPDF

61.Zhang Y, Huang R, Cheng M, Wang L, Chao J, Li J, Zheng P, Xie P, Zhang Z, Yao H. Gut microbiota from NLRP3-deficient mice ameliorates depressive-like behaviors by regulating astrocyte dysfunction via circHIPK2. Microbiome. 2019; 7(1):116. (SCI, IF:11.607, Q1) PubMedPDF

60.Cheng Y, Chao J, Chen C, Lv L, Han Y, Liu B#. The PKCβ-p66shc-NADPH oxidase pathway plays a crucial role in diabetic nephropathy. J Pharm  Pharmacol. 2019, 71(3):338-347. (SCI, IF:2.571, Q2) PubMedPDF

59.Du L, Shen K, Bai Y, Chao J, Hu G, Zhang Y, Yao H. Involvement of NLRP3 inflammasome in methamphetamine-induced microglial activation through miR-143/PUMA axis. Toxicol Lett. 2019; 301:53-63. (SCI, IF:3.569, Q2) PubMedPDF

58.Zhao L, Du L, Zhang Y, Chao J, Duan M, Yao H, Shen C, Zhang Y. Role of PUMA in the methamphetamine-induced migration of microglia. Metab Brain Dis. 2019, 34(1):61-69.(SCI, IF:2.726, Q2) PubMedPDF

57.Zhang Y, Du L, Bai Y, Han B, He C, Gong L, Huang R, Shen L, Chao J, Liu P, Zhang H, Zhang H, Gu L, Li J, Hu G, Xie C, Zhang Z, Yao H. CircDYM ameliorates depressive-like behavior by targeting miR-9 to regulate microglial activation via HSP90 ubiquitination.  Mol Psychiatry. 2018,25(6):1175-1190. (SCI, IF:12.384, Q1) PubMedPDF

56.Fang S, Guo H, Cheng Y, Zhou Z, Zhang W, Han B, Luo W, Wang J, Xie W#, Chao J#. circHECTD1 promotes the silica-induced pulmonary endothelial-mesenchymal transition via HECTD1. Cell Death Dis. 2018;9(3):396. (SCI, IF:5.959, Q1)PubMedPDF

55.Yang X*, Wang J*, Zhou Z*, Jiang R, Huang J, Chen L, Cao Z, Chu H, Han B, Cheng Y, Chao J#. Silica-induced initiation of circZC3H4 RNA/ZC3H4 pathway promotes the pulmonary macrophage activation. FASEB J. 2018, 32(6):3264-3277. (SCI, IF:5.391, Q1) PubMedPDF

54.Zhou Z, Jiang R, Yang X, Guo H, Fang S, Zhang Y, Cheng Y, Wang J, Yao H, Chao J#. circRNA Mediates Silica-Induced Macrophage Activation Via HECTD1/ZC3H12A-Dependent Ubiquitination. Theranostics. 2018; 8:575-592. (SCI, IF:8.063, Q1) PubMedPDF

53.Chao J#, Lv Y, Chen J, Wang J, Yao H. SiO2-induced release of sVEGFRs from pulmonary macrophages. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2018; 247:1-8. (SCI, IF:1.582, Q3) PubMedPDF

52.Xie X*, Zhu T*#, Chen L, Ding S, Chu H, Wang J, Yao H, Chao J#. MCPIP1-induced autophagy mediates ischemia/referfusion injury in endothlial cells via HMGB1 and CaSR. Sci Rep. 2018; 8(1):1735. (SCI, IF:4.011, Q1) PubMedPDF

51.Zhang Y, Shu G, Bai Y, Chao J, Chen X, Yao H. Effect of methamphetamine on the fasting blood glucose in methamphetamine abusers. Metab Brain Dis. 2018, 33(5):1585-1597. (SCI, IF:2.411, Q2) PubMedPDF

50.Han B, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Bai Y, Chen X, Huang R, Wu F, Leng S, Chao J, Zhang JH, Hu G, Yao H. Novel insight into circular RNA HECTD1 in astrocyte activation via autophagy by targeting MIR142-TIPARP: implications for cerebral ischemic stroke. Autophagy. 2018;14:1164-1184. (SCI, IF:11.059, Q1) PubMedPDF

49.Han B, Chao J, Yao H. Circular RNA andits mechanisms in disease: From the bench to the clinic.Pharmacol Ther. 2018, 187:31-44. (SCI, IF:9.396, Q1) PubMedPDF

48.Bai Y, Zhang Y, Han B, Yang L, Chen X, Huang R, Wu F, Chao J, Liu P, Hu G, Zhang JH, Yao H.Circular RNA DLGAP4 ameliorates ischemic stroke outcomes by targeting miR-143 to regulate endothelial-mesenchymal transition associated with blood-brain barrier integrity. J Neurosci.2018; 38:32-50. (SCI, IF:6.074, Q1) PubMedPDF

47.Yang L, Han B, Zhang Y, Bai Y, Chao J, Hu G, Yao H. Engagement of circular RNA HECW2 in the nonautophagic role of ATG5 implicated in the endothelial-mesenchymal transition. Autophagy. 14(3):404-418. (SCI, IF:11.059, Q1) PubMedPDF    65.005

46.Cao Z*, Xiao Q*, Dai X*, Zhou Z, Jiang R, Cheng Y, Yang X, Guo H, Wang J, Xi Z, Yao H, Chao J#. circHIPK2-mediated σ-1R promotes endoplasmic reticulum stress in human pulmonary fibroblasts exposed to silica. Cell Death Dis. 2017; 8:3212. (SCI, IF:5.638, Q1) PubMedPDF

45.Liu H, Cheng Y, Yang J, Wang W, Fang S, Zhang W, Han B, Zhou Z, Yao H, Chao J#, Liao H#: BBC3 in macrophages promoted pulmonary fibrosis development through inducing autophagy during silicosis. Cell Death Dis. 2017; 8:e2657. (SCI, IF:5.638, Q1) PubMedPDF

44.Chao J, Zhang Y, Du L, Zhou R, Wu X, Shen K, Yao H. Molecular mechanisms underlying the involvement of the sigma-1 receptor in methamphetamine-mediated microglial polarization.Sci Rep. 2017; 7(1):11540. (SCI, IF:4.122, Q1)PubMedPDF

43.Zhu X, Dong J, Han B, Huang R, Zhang A, Xia Z, Chang H, Chao J, Yao H. Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Contributes to PTZ Kindling Epilepsy-Induced Hippocampal Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Oxidative Damage. Front Cell Neurosci. 2017; 11:377. (SCI, IF:4.3, Q2) PubMedPDF

42.Zhu X, Dong J, Han B, Huang R, Zhang A, Xia Z, Chang H, Chao J, Yao H. Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Contributes to PTZ Kindling-Induced Cognitive Impairment and Depressive-Like Behavior. Front Behav Neurosci. 2017; 11:203. (SCI, IF:3.138, Q2) PubMedPDF

41.Zhang X, Wu F, Jiao Y, Tang T, Yang L, Lu C, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Bai Y, Chao J, Teng G, Yao H. An Increase of Sigma-1 Receptor in the Penumbra Neuron after Acute Ischemic Stroke. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2017 26:1981-1987(SCI, IF:1.598, Q4) PubMed PDF

40.Huang R, Zhang Y, Han B, Bai Y, Zhou R, Gan G, Chao J, Hu G, Yao H. Circular RNA HIPK2 regulates astrocyte activation via cooperation of autophagy and ER stress by targeting MIR124-2HG. Autophagy. 2017,13(10):1722-1741. (SCI, IF:11.1, Q1) PubMedPDF

39.Casillan AJ, Chao J, Wood JG, Gonzalez NC. Acclimatization of the systemic microcirculation to alveolar hypoxia is mediated by iNOS-dependent increased nitric oxide availability. J Appl Physiol. 2017,123(4):974-982. (SCI, IF:3.256, Q2) PubMed PDF

38.Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Bai Y, Chao J, Hu G, Chen X, Yao H. Involvement of PUMA in pericyte migration induced by methamphetamine. Exp Cell Res. 2017;356:28-39. (SCI, IF:3.309, Q2) PubMedPDF

37.Zhu X, Dong J, Xia Z, Zhang A, Chao J, Yao H. Repeated restraint stress increases seizure susceptibility by activation of hippocampal endoplasmic reticulum stress. Neurochem Int. 2017;110:25-37. (SCI, IF:3.603, Q2) PubMed PDF

36.Cheng Y, Chao J, Dai D, Dai Y, Zhu D, Liu B. AQP4-knockout aggravation of isoprenaline-induced myocardial injury is mediated by p66Shc and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2017; 44:1106-1115. (SCI, IF:2.092, Q3) PubMed PDF 47.794

35.Liu H, Fang S, Wang W, Cheng Y, Zhang Y, Liao H, Yao H#, Chao J#. Macrophage-derived MCPIP1 mediates silica-induced pulmonary fibrosis via autophagy. Part Fibre Toxicol. 2016; 13: 55. (SCI, IF:8.577, Q1) PubMedPDF

34.Chao J*#, Wang X*, Zhang Y*, Zhu T, Zhang W, Zhou Z, Yang J, Han B, Cheng Y, Tu X, Yao H#. Role of MCPIP1 in the endothelial-mesenchymaltransition induced by silica. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2016; 40:309-325. (SCI, IF:5.104, Q1) PubMedPDF

33.Zhang W, Zhang M, Wang Z, Cheng Y, Liu H, Zhou Z, Han B, Chen B, Yao H#, Chao J#. Neogambogic Acid Prevents Silica-induced Fibrosis via Inhibition of High-mobility group box1 and MCP-1-induced protein 1. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2016; 309:129-140.  (SCI, IF:3.791, Q1) PubMedPDF

32.Zhu T, Yao Q, Wang W, Yao H, Chao J#. iNOS induced vascular endothelial cell migration andapoptosis via autophagy in ischemia/reperfusion injury. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2016; 38: 1575-1588. (SCI, IF:5.104, Q1) PubMedPDF

31.Wang X, Zhang Y, Zhang W, Liu H, Zhou Z, Dai X, Cheng Y, Fang S, Zhang Y, Yao H, Chao J#: MCPIP1 regulates alveolar macrophage apoptosis and pulmonary fibroblast activation after in vitro exposure to silica. Toxicol Sci. 151(1):126-38.   (SCI, IF:4.081, Q1) PubMedPDF

30.Liu H, Dai X, Cheng Y, Fang S,Zhang Y, Wang X, Zhang W, Liao H, Yao H, Chao J#: MCPIP1 mediates silica-induced cell migration in human pulmonary fibroblasts. Am J Physiol-Lung C. 2016; 310(2):L121-L132. (SCI, IF:4.281, Q1) PubMedPDF

29.Bai Y, Zhang Y, Hua J, Yang X, Zhang X, Duan M, Zhu X, Huang W, Chao J, Zhou R, Hu G, Yao H. Silencing microRNA-143 protects the integrity of the blood-brain barrier: implications for methamphetamine abuse. Sci Rep. 2015; 6:35642.  (SCI, IF:4.259, Q1) PubMedPDF

28.Zhang Y, Shen K, Bai Y, Lv X, Huang R, Zhang W, Chao J, Nguyen LK, Hua J, Gan G, Hu G, Yao H.Mir143-BBC3 cascade reduces microglial survival via interplay between apoptosis andautophagy: Implications for methamphetamine-mediated neurotoxicity. Autophagy. 2016,12(9):1538-59. (SCI, IF:8.593, Q1) PubMedPDF

27.Zhu X, Shen K, Bai Y, Zhang A, Xia Z, Chao J, Yao H.NADPH oxidase activation is required for pentylenetetrazole kindling-induced hippocampal autophagy. Free Radic Biol Med. 2016; 94:230-242. (SCI, IF:5.606, Q1) PubMedPDF

26.Zhu X, Dong J, Shen K, Bai Y, Chao J, Yao H. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase contributes to pentylenetetrazole-kindling-induced hippocampal neurogenesis.Brain Res Bull. 2016. 121:138-47. (SCI, IF:3.033, Q3) PubMed PDF

25.Zhang Y, Huang R, Zhang Y, Yi H, Bai Y, Chao J, Yao H. IL-17 induces MIP-1α expression in primary mouse astrocytes via TRPC channel. Inflammopharmacology. 2016, 24(1):33-42. (SCI, IF:2.59, Q3) PubMed 55.019

24.Wang W, Liu H, Dai X, Fang S, Wang X, Zhang Y, Yao H, Zhang X#, Chao J#:  p53/PUMA expression in human pulmonary fibroblasts mediates cell activation and migration in silicosis.Sci Rep. 2015; 5:16900.  (SCI, IF:5.228, Q1)   PubMedPDF

23.Zhu T, Yao Q, Hu X, Chen C, Yao H, Chao J#: The role of MCPIP1 in ischemia/reperfusion injury-induced HUVEC migration and apoptosis. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2015;37:577-591.(SCI, IF:4.652, Q1)   PubMedPDF

22.Liu X, Fang S, Liu H, Wang X, Dai X, Yin Q, Yun T, Wang W, Zhang Y, Liao H, Zhang W, Yao H, Chao J#: Role of human pulmonary fibroblast-derived MCP-1 in cell activation and migration in experimental silicosis. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2015; 288:152-160. (SCI, IF:3.847, Q1) Global Medical DiscoveryPubMedPDF

21.Chao J, Dai X, Pena T, Doyle DA, Guenther TM, Carlson MA: MCPIP1 regulates fibroblast migration in 3-D collagen matrices downstream of MAP kinases and NF-kappa B. J Invest Dermatol. 2015; 135:2944-54.  (SCI, IF:6.915, Q1) PubMedPDF

20.Bai Y*, Zhu X*, Chao J*, Zhang Y, Qian C, Li P, Liu D, Han B, Zhao L, Zhang J, Buch S, Teng G, Hu G, Yao H: Pericytes contribute to the disruption of the cerebral endothelial barrier via increasing VEGFR expression: Implications for stroke. PLoS One. 2015;10:e0124362. (SCI, IF:3.057, Q1) PubMedPDF

19.Zhang Y, Lv X, Bai Y, Zhu X, Wu X, Chao J, Duan M, Buch S, Chen L, Yao H: Involvement of sigma-1 receptor in astrocyte activation induced by methamphetamine via up-regulationof its own expression. J Neuroinflammation. 2015;12:29. (SCI, IF:4.667, Q1) PubMedPDF

18.Zhang Y, Zhu T, Zhang X, Chao J, Hu G, Yao H: Role of high-mobility group box 1 inmethamphetamine-induced activation and migration of astrocytes. J Neuroinflammation.2015;12:156. (SCI, IF:4.667, Q2) PubMedPDF

17.Zhu X, Dong J, Shen K, Bai Y, Zhang Y, Lv X, Chao J, Yao H: NMDA receptor NR2b subunits contribute to ptz-kindling-induced hippocampal astrocytosis and oxidative stress. Brain Res Bull. 2015;114:70-78.(SCI, IF:2.572, Q3)  PubMedPDF 35.605

16.Yi H, Bai Y, Zhu X, Lin L, Zhao L, Wu X, Buch S, Wang L, Chao J#, Yao H#: IL-17a induces MIP-1alpha expression in primary astrocytes via Src/MAPK/PI3K/NF-kB pathways:Implications for multiple sclerosis. J Neuroimmune Pharmacol.2014;9:629-641. (SCI, IF:4.11, Q2)  PubMedPDF

15.Chao J*, Yang L*, Yao H, Buch S: Platelet-derived growth factor-bb restores HIV Tat -mediated impairment of neurogenesis: Role of GSK-3beta/beta-catenin. J Neuroimmune Pharmacol.2014;9:259-268.  (SCI, IF:4.11, Q2)  PubMedPDF

14.Chao J, Pena T, Heimann DG, Hansen C, Doyle DA, Yanala UR, Guenther TM, Carlson MA: Expression of green fluorescent protein in human foreskin fibroblasts for use in 2D and 3D culture models. Wound Repair Regen.2014;22:134-140. (SCI, IF:2.768, Q1) Cover story MDLinxGlobal Medical DiscoveryPubMedPDF

13.Chao J, Yang L, Buch S, Gao L: Angiotensin II increased neuronal stem cell proliferation: Role of AT2R. PLoS One.2013;8:e63488. (SCI, IF:3.534) PubMedPDF

12.Yang L*, Chao J*, Kook YH, Gao Y, Yao H, Buch SJ: Involvement of mir-9/MCPIP1 axis in PDGF-bb-mediated neurogenesis in neuronal progenitor cells. Cell Death Dis.2013;4:e960. (SCI, IF:5.177) PubMedPDF

11.Carlson MA, Smith LM, Cordes CM, Chao J, Eudy JD: Attachment-regulated signaling networks in the fibroblast-populated 3D collagen matrix. Sci Rep.2013;3:1880. (SCI, IF:5.078)  PubMedPDF

10.Chao J, Gao J, Parbhu KJ, Gao L: Angiotensin type 2 receptors in the intermediolateral cell column of the spinal cord: Negative regulation of sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure. Int J Cardiol. 2013;168:4046-4055. (SCI, IF:6.175)  PubMedPDF

9.Chao J, Viets Z, Donham P, Wood JG, Gonzalez NC: Dexamethasone blocks the systemic inflammation of alveolar hypoxia at several sites in the inflammatory cascade. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.2012;303:H168-177. (SCI, IF:3.629) PubMedPDF

8.Gao J, Chao J, Parbhu KJ, Yu L, Xiao L, Gao F, Gao L: Ontogeny of angiotensin type 2 and type1 receptor expression in mice. J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst.2012;13:341-352. (SCI, IF:2.286)  PubMedPDF

7. Chao J, Blanco G, Wood JG, Gonzalez NC: Renin released from mast cells activated by circulating MCP-1 initiates the microvascular phase of the systemic inflammation of alveolar hypoxia. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.2011;301:H2264-2270. (SCI, IF:3.708) PubMedPDF-6

6.Chao J, Wood JG, Gonzalez NC: Alveolar macrophages initiate the systemic microvascular inflammatory response to alveolar hypoxia. Respir Physiol Neurobiol.2011;178:439-448. (SCI, IF:2.242) PubMedPDF

5.Gao J, Zhang H, Le KD, Chao J, Gao L: Activation of central angiotensin type 2 receptors suppresses norepinephrine excretion and blood pressure in conscious rats. Am J Hypertens.2011;24:724-730. (SCI, IF:3.181) PubMedPDF

4.Chao J, Donham P, van Rooijen N, Wood JG, Gonzalez NC: Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 released from alveolar macrophages mediates the systemic inflammation of acute alveolar hypoxia. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol.2011;45:53-61. (SCI, IF:5.125) PubMedPDF

3.Chao J, Wood JG, Gonzalez NC: Alveolar hypoxia, alveolar macrophages, and systemic inflammation. Respir Res.2009;10:54. (SCI, IF:3.36) PubMedPDF

2.Chao J, Wood JG, Blanco VG, Gonzalez NC: The systemic inflammation of alveolar hypoxia is initiated by alveolar macrophage-borne mediator(s). Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2009;41:573-582. (SCI, IF:5.125) PubMedPDF

1.Meng X, Chao J, Xiang Y: Identification from diversemammalian poxviruses of host-range regulatory genes functioning equivalently tovaccinia virus C7l. Virology.2008;372:372-383. (SCI, IF:3.351) PubMedPDF 51.971



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