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2022年3月至今:东南大学医学院遗传与发育生物学系 副研究员
2016年10月– 2021年9月:美国范德堡大学医学中心(Vanderbilt University MedicalCenter)博士后训练(导师:Christine M. Lovly, MD,PhD)。
美国癌症协会(American Association for Cancer Research, AACR)博士后肺癌研究基金(The2018 AACR-AstraZeneca Lung Cancer Research Fellowship, Principal Investigator, 11万美元,2018年8月1日-2020年7月31日)
1. Zhang Z, Westover D, Tang Z, Liu Y, Sun J, Sun Y, ZhangR, Wang X, Zhou S, Hesilaiti N, Xia Q, DuZ#. Wnt/β-catenin signaling in the development andtherapeutic resistance of non-small cell lung cancer. J Transl Med. 2024 Jun13;22(1):565. (#Correspondence, 一作为临床本科生) (JCR:Q1;2023 IF: 6.2)
2. Du Z, Brown BP, Kim S,Ferguson D, Pavlick DC, Jayakumaran G, Benayed R, Gallant JN, Zhang YK, Yan Y,Red-Brewer M, Ali SM, Schrock AB, Zehir A, Ladanyi M, Smith AW, Meiler J, LovlyCM. Structure-function analysis of oncogenic EGFR Kinase Domain Duplicationreveals insights into activation and a potential approach for therapeutictargeting. Nature Communications.2021 Mar 2;12(1):1382. (JCR:Q1;2023 IF: 16.6)
3. Du Z, Lovly CM. Mechanisms of receptor tyrosine kinase activation in cancer. Molecular Cancer. 2018 Feb 19;17(1):58. (JCR:Q1;2023 IF: 37.3;高引论文)
4. Du Z#, Sun J, Zhang Y, Hesilaiti N, Xia Q, Cui H, Fan N, Xu X.Structure-Guided Strategies of Targeted Therapies for Patients with EGFR-MutantNon-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Biomolecules. 2023 Jan 20;13(2):210. (#Correspondence) (JCR:Q1;2023 IF: 5.8)
5. Brown BP, Zhang YK, Kim S, Finneran P, Yan Y, Du Z, Kim J, Hartzler AL,LeNoue-Newton ML, Smith AW, Meiler J, Lovly CM. Allele-specific activation,enzyme kinetics, and inhibitor sensitivities of EGFR exon 19 deletion mutationsin lung cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Jul 26;119(30):e2206588119.
6. BrownBP, Zhang YK, Westover D, Yan Y, Qiao H, Huang V, Du Z, Smith JA, Ross JS, Miller VA, Ali S, Bazhenova L,Schrock AB, Meiler J, Lovly CM. On-target Resistance to the Mutant-SelectiveEGFR Inhibitor Osimertinib Can Develop in an Allele-Specific Manner Dependenton the Original EGFR-Activating Mutation. Clinical Cancer Research. 2019 Jun1;25(11):3341-3351.
7. Du Z, Li L, Huang X, Jin J,Huang S, Zhang Q, Tao Q. The epigenetic modifier CHD5 functions as a noveltumor suppressor for renal cell carcinoma and is predominantly inactivated bypromoter CpG methylation. Oncotarget. 2016 Apr19;7(16):21618-30.
8. Du ZF, Xu CM, Zhao Y, Liu WT, Chen XL, Chen CY, Fang H, Ke HP,Zhang XN. Two novel de novo mutations of KRT6A and KRT16 genes in two Chinese pachyonychia congenita pedigrees with fissured tongue or diffuse plantar keratoderma. EuropeanJournal of Dermatology. 2012Jul-Aug;22(4):476-80.
9. Du ZF, Wei W, Wang YF, Chen XL, Chen CY, Liu WT, Lu JJ, Mao LG, Xu CM, Fang H,Zhang XN. A novel mutation within the 2B rod domain of keratin 9 in a Chinesepedigree with epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma combined with knuckle padsand camptodactyly. European Journal of Dermatology. 2011 Sep-Oct;21(5):675-9. PMID: 21715251. (Editorial Comment by European Journal of Dermatology 2011; 21(5):679).
2012年9月 – 2016年6月:香港中文大学肿瘤学专业攻读博士学位(导师:陶谦教授)
2009年9月 – 2012年3月:浙江大学医学院遗传学专业攻读硕士学位(导师:张咸宁教授)
2004年9月 – 2008年7月:福州大学生物工程专业攻读学士学位
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