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袁榴娣,女,博士/教授/博士生导师,1965年11月出生。江苏省生物化学与分子生物学学会副理事长,江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师。2002年毕业于南京大学生物化学系医药生物技术国家重点实验室获博士学位;2003.7-2004.7赴美国M.D.Anderson cancer center进行博士后研究;2005.10-2005.12及2006.7-2006.12德国MDC分子医学研究所访问学者。获中国学位与研究生教育学会研究生教育成果二等奖,东南大学教学工作优秀一等奖。主讲本科生“生物化学”及“生物化学实验”、研究生“分子生物学原理和技术”。主编教材“生物化学实验指导”。
1.ShaikhS, Younis M, Yingying S, Tanziela T, Yuan L. Bleomycin loaded exosomes enhancedantitumor therapeutic efficacy and reduced toxicity. Life Sci. 2023;330:121977.
2.Aslam MS, Aslam KS, Iqbal A, Yuan L. Therapeutical Significance ofSerpina3n Subsequent Cerebral Ischemia via Cytotoxic Granzyme B Inactivation.Biomed Res Int. 2022; 2022:1557010.
3. Shaikh S, Younis M, YuanL. Functionalized DNA Nanostructures for Bioimaging. Coordination chemistryreviews. 2022; 469: 214648.
4. Aslam MS, Aslam KS, Iqbal A, YuanL. Therapeutical Significance of Serpina3n Subsequent Cerebral Ischemia viaCytotoxic Granzyme B Inactivation. Biomed Res Int. 2022; 2022:1557010.
5.Wang F, Luo Y, Zhang L, Younis M, Yuan L. The LncRNA RP11-301G19.1/miR-582-5p/HMGB2 axis modulates theproliferation and apoptosis of multiple myeloma cancer cells via the PI3K/AKTsignalling pathway. Cancer GeneTher. 2022;29(3-4):292-303.
6.Wang F, Cui D, Zhang Q, Shao Y, Zheng B, Chen L, Luo Y, Yuan L,Wang D. LncRNA00492 is required for marginalzone B-cell development. Immunology.2022;165(1):88-98.
7.Wang F, Zhang L, Luo Y, Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Shao Y, Yuan L. The LncRNA RP11-279C4.1 Enhances theMalignant Behaviour of Glioma Cells and Glioma Stem-Like Cells by Regulatingthe miR-1273g-3p/CBX3 Axis. MolNeurobiol. 2021;58(7):3362-3373.
8.Wang F, Younis M, Luo Y, Zhang L, Yuan L. Iguratimod-encapsulating PLGA-NPsinduce human multiple myeloma cell death via reactive oxygen species andCaspase-dependent signalling. IntImmunopharmacol. 2021; 95:107532.
9.Wang F, Luo Y, Zhang L, Younis M, Yuan L. Down-regulation of LncRNA2900052N01Rik inhibits LPS-induced B cell function in vitro. Cell Immunol. 2021;363: 104321.
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