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杨勇博士于2012年6月在苏州大学获得学士学位(导师:路建美 教授),后于2017年7月在香港中文大学获得博士学位(导师:缪谦 教授)。2017年9月至2019年3月,他在日本东京大学从事博士后研究工作(合作导师:Hiroyuki Isobe);2019年4月至2021年8月,在瑞士苏黎世大学从事博士后研究工作(合作导师:Michal Juríček)。杨勇博士于2022年1月加入东南大学化学化工学院,任副教授、硕士生导师。
国家自然科学基金委青年科学基金项目,2023.1 – 2025.12,主持
科研启动经费,2022.3 – 2025.2,主持
(11) Chenghan Yang,+ Huijun Yu,+ Huan Liu, Kai Yin, Yong Yang,* Tong Bian,* Li Sun, Yuming Zhou, Yiwei Zhang*
Tuning Interlayer Stacking of Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks for High Luminescence and Boosting Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution.
Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy 2025, 372, 125301.(10) Li, Sun, Jianwei Liang, Zheng Zhou, Yong Yang*
Chiral Peropyrene by Selective Dimerization of Phenalenyl.
Organic Letters 2024, DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.4c03235. (Highlighted by Synfacts 2025, 21, 142)
(9) Zheng Zhou,+* Yong Yang,+* Jianwei Liang, Sota Sato, Zhenyi Zhang, Zheng Wei
Stepwise Chemical Reduction of [4]Cyclo[4]helicenylene: Stereoisomerism and Site-Selective Metal Complexation.
Precision Chemistry 2025, 3, 27–34. (Selected as Editors' Choice)
(8) Chenghan Yang, Chunfeng Mao, Qinghua Deng, Yong Yang,* Yuming Zhou, Yiwei Zhang*
One-Pot Synthesis of Flavones Catalyzed by an Au-mediated Covalent Organic Framework.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2023, 642, 283–291.
Before SEU:
(7) Yong Yang,* Michal Juríček*
Fullerene Wires Assembled Inside Carbon Nanohoops.
ChemPlusChem 2022, 87, e202100468. (Invited Review)
(6) Yong Yang, Shangxiong Huangfu, Sota Sato, Michal Juríček*
Cycloparaphenylene Double Nanohoop: Structure, Lamellar Packing, and Encapsulation of C60 in the Solid State.
Organic Letters 2021, 23, 7943–7948.
(5) Yong Yang, Olivier Blacque, Sota Sato, Michal Juríček*
Cycloparaphenylene–Phenalenyl Radical and Its Dimeric Double Nanohoop.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021, 60, 13529–13535. (Selected as Hot Paper; Featured as Frontispiece; Highlighted by Chimia 2021, 75, 436)
(4) Taisuke Matusno,+ Yong Yang,+ Yuki Nanjo, Hiroyuki Isobe,* Sota Sato*
A Case Study of Stereoisomerism with [6]Cyclo[4]helicenylenes.
Chemistry Letters 2021, 50, 110–112. (Highlighted as Editor’s Choice; Featured as Inside Cover 2021, Vol. 50, No. 1)
(3) Yong Yang, Yuki Nanjo, Hiroyuki Isobe, Sota Sato*
Synthesis and stereoisomerism of [n]cyclo-2,9-phenanthrenylene congeners possessing alternating E/Z- and R/S-biaryl linkages.
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2020, 18, 4949–4955.
(2) Yong Yang, Ming Chu, Qian Miao*
From Phenanthrylene Butadiynylene Macrocycles to S‑Heterocycloarenes.
Organic Letters 2018, 20, 4259–4262.
(1) Yong Yang, Luyan Yuan, Bowen Shan, Zhifeng Liu, Qian Miao*
Twisted Polycyclic Arenes from Tetranaphthyldiphenylbenzenes by Controlling the Scholl Reaction with Substituents.
Chemistry – A European Journal 2016, 22, 18620–18627.
1. 精准合成具有新颖拓扑结构的有机纳米碳分子,如纳米石墨烯、含非六元环缺陷的纳米石墨烯和碳纳米环等,探究它们的光电、磁性和芳香性等理化性质,研究其用作超分子主体的功能和在半导体、传感等材料领域的应用。
2. 设计和合成以曲面有机π-共轭稠环芳烃为结构单元的三维共价有机框架分子,研究它们在催化、储能和光电等材料领域的应用。
本科生毕业设计(2024届 智俊杰)
1. The 10th National and Global ChineseSymposium on Electronic Process in Organic Solids; Beijing, China; August 7, 2015; By Poster.
2. The International Conference on Science andTechnology of Synthetic Metals 2016 (ICSM2016); Guangzhou, China; June 26, 2016; By Poster.
3. The 13th International Symposium on Functional π-ElectronSystems (Fπ-13); Hong Kong, China; June 4, 2017; By Poster.
4. Organic Pi-Electron Molecules and MaterialsMeetings (OPiEM3); Visually online; August 4, 2021; By Talk.
5. The 2021 International Chemical Congress of PacificBasin Societies (Pacifichem 2021); Honolulu, USA (visually online); December16, 2021; By Poster.
6. 第十四届功能纳米材料与应用研讨会,中国南京,2023.3.18,口头报告。
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