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  • 研究员
  • 导师类别:硕,博士生导师
  • 性别:
  • 学历:博士研究生
  • 学位:博士


Contact Information

  • 所属院系:医学院
  • 所属专业: 内科学
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Personal Profile


2003年至2006 年作为访问学者在美国南卡罗莱纳州立医科大学生物化学与分子生物学系工作。



  • 研究方向Research Directions



1.Qian, L. L.; Ji, J. J.; Guo, J. Q.; Wu, Y. P.; Ma, G. S.; Yao, Y. Y*.,Protective Role of Serpina3c as a Novel Thrombin Inhibitor AgainstAtherosclerosis in Mice. Clinical science (London, England : 1979) 2021. Feb12;135(3):447-463

 2. Wu Y, Fu C, Li B, Liu C, He Z, Li XE, Wang A, Ma G, Yao, Y. Y* Bradykinin Protects HumanEndothelial Progenitor Cells from High Glucose Induced Senescence through B2 Receptor-MediatedActivation of the Akt/eNOS Signalling Pathway. .J Diabetes Res. 2021 Sep11;2021:6626627.

2. Ji, J. J.; Qian, L. L.; Zhu, Y.; Wu, Y. P.; Guo, J. Q.;Ma, G. S.; Yao, Y. Y.*, Serpina3c protects against high-fat diet-induced pancreaticdysfunction through the JNK-related pathway. Cellular signalling 2020,75, 109745.

3. Li, B.; Sheng, Z.; Liu, C.; Qian, L.; Wu, Y.; Wu, Y.; Ma,G.; Yao, Y*., Kallistatin Inhibits Atherosclerotic Inflammation byRegulating Macrophage Polarization. Humangene therapy 2019, 30 (3), 339-351.

4. Yao, Y*.; Li, B.;Liu, C.; Fu, C.; Li, P.; Guo, Y.; Ma, G.; Liu, N.; Chao, L.; Chao, J., ReducedPlasma Kallistatin Is Associated With the Severity of Coronary Artery Disease,and Kallistatin Treatment Attenuates Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation in Mice. Journal of the American Heart Association 2018, 7 (21), e009562.

5.Yuyu Yao*, KaiCheng, Zhen Cheng Evaluation of a Smart Activatable MRI Nanoprobe toTarget Matrix Metalloproteinases in the Early-Stages of Abdominal AorticAneurysms. Nanomedicine 2020 Jun;26:102177.

6. Wu Y , Wang C , Guo J , Carvalho A , Yao Y* , Sun P , Fan QAn RGD modified water-soluble fluorophore probe for invivo NIR-II imaging of thrombosis. Biomater Sci. 2020 Aug21;8(16):4438-4446. 

7. Yuan C, Yao Y*, Fu C, Rong T, Li B,Carvalho A, Liu C. Plasma concentrations of tissue kallikrein in normal andpreeclamptic pregnancies. Hypertension in Pregnancy. 2020 Feb;39(1):64-69.

8. Fu C, Cao Y, Li B, Xu R, Sun Y, Yao Y*. Bradykininprotects cardiac c-kit positive cells from high-glucose-induced senescencethrough B2 receptor signaling pathway. J Cell Biochem.2019 Oct;120(10):17731-17743.

9. Ji J, Lu W, Zhu Y, Jin H, Yao Y*, Zhang H*, Zhao Y*.Porous Hydrogel-Encapsulated Photonic Barcodes for Multiplex Detection ofCardiovascular Biomarkers. ACS Sens. 2019 May 24;4(5):1384-1390.

10 Yao Y*, Li B, Fu C, Teng G, Ma G, Liu N.Anti-connectivetissue growth factor detects and reduces plaque inflammation in early-stagecarotid atherosclerotic lesions. Nanomedicine. 2017 Nov;13(8):2385-2394.

11. Yao Y, Li B, Yin C, Cong F, Ma GS, Liu NF,Fan QL,Teng GJ. A Folate-Conjugated Dual-Modal Fluorescent Magnetic Resonance ImagingContrast Agent that Targets Activated Macrophages In Vitro and In Vivo. JBiomed Nanotechnol. 2016 Dec;12(12):2161-71

12. Yao Y*, Sheng Z, Li Y, Fu C, MaG, Liu N, Chao J, Chao L. Tissue kallikrein -modified human endothelialprogenitor cell implantation improves cardiac function via enhanced activationof akt and increased angiogenesis. Lab Invest. 2013 May; 93(5):577-91.

13. Sun Z, Cheng K, Yao Y, Wu F, Fung J, Chen H, Ma X, Tu Y, Xing L, Xia L,Cheng Z.ControlledNano-Bio Interface of Functional Nanoprobes for in Vivo Monitoring EnzymeActivity in Tumors.ACS Nano. 2019 Jan 28. doi:10.1021/acsnano.8b05825.

14.Qian L, Zhu K, Lin Y, An L, Huang F, Yao Y*, Ren L*.Insulin secretion impairment induced by rosuvastatin partly though autophagy inINS-1E cells. Cell Biol Int. 2019 Jul 24.

15. Li B, Fu C, Ma G, Fan Q, Yao Y.*Photoacoustic Imaging: A Novel Tool for Detecting Carotid Artery Thrombosis inMice. J Vasc Res. 2017;54(4):217-225

16. Li B, Jiao Y, Fu C, Xie B, Ma G, Teng G, Yao Y*.Contralateralartery enlargement predicts carotid plaque progression based on machinelearning algorithm models in apoE-/- mice.Biomed Eng Online. 2016 Dec28;15(Suppl 2):146.

17.Fu C,Li B, Sun Y, Ma G, Yao Y*,Bradykinin inhibitsoxidative stress-induced senescence of endothelialprogenitor cells through theB2R/AKT/RB and B2R/EGFR/RB signal pathways. ,Oncotarget,6(28):24675-(28), pp24675-24689, 2015/09/28

18.姚玉宇 张宇 赵瑞 傅聪 文颂 李冰 邓刚 马根山 刘乃丰 滕皋军 ,靶向氧化低密度脂蛋白纳米探针活体检测小鼠腹主动脉粥样斑块的MRI研究 ,中华核医学与分子影像杂志, 2(2), pp120-124, 2015/04/18 ,

19、Yin C、Hong B、Gong Z,、Zhao H、Hu W、Lu X、Li J、Li X、Yang Z、*Fan Q、*Yao Y、*Huang W ,Fluorescent oligo(p-phenyleneethynylene) containedamphiphiles-encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles for targeted magnetic resonanceand two-photon optical imaging in vitro and in vivo. ,Nanoscale, 7(19), pp8907-8921, 2015/05/21

20. Yao YY*, Fu C, Ma GS, Feng Y,Shen CX, Wu GQ, Zhang XG, Ding JD, Tang CC, Chen Z, Dai QM, Tong JY, Luo D, ZhuJ, Zhi H, Li YJ, Ju CW, Lu J, Chao J, Chao L. Tissue Kallikrein is Related tothe Severity of Coronary Artery Disease. Clin Chim Acta. 2013 Aug 23;423:90-8

21.Yao Y*, Sheng Z, Li Y, Yan F, Fu C, Li Y,Ma G, Liu N, Chao J, Chao L.Tissuekallikrein promotes cardiac neovascularization by enhancing endothelialprogenitor cell functional capacity. Hum Gene Ther.2012 Aug;23(8):859-70.

22. Yao YY, Wang YY,Zhang Y, Li YF, Shen ZL, Wen S , Ma GS, Liu NF, Fang F, Teng GJ In Vivo Imaging of MacrophageActivity in the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Plos One 2012,7(3): e33523.

23. Yao Y, Jiang Y, Sheng Z, Zhang Y, An Y, Yan F, Ma G, LiuN, Teng G, Cheng Z. Analysis of in situ and ex vivo α(V)β(3) integrinexpression during experimental carotid atherogenesis. Int J Nanomedicine.2012;7:641-649.

24. Yao Y,Li Y, Ma G, Liu N, Ju S, Jin J, Chen Z, Shen C, Teng G. In Vivo MagneticResonance Imagingof Injected Endothelial Progenitor Cells after Myocardial Infarction in Rats.Mol Imaging Biol. 2011 Apr;13(2):303-13

25.Luo D, Yao YY*, Li YF, Sheng ZL, Tang Y, Fang F, Fang K, Ma GS,Teng GJ. Myocardial infarction quantification with late gadolinium-enhancedmagnetic resonance imaging in rats using a 7-T scanner. Cardiovasc Pathol.2012;2:112-119.

26.LiY, Yao Y, Sheng Z, Yang Y, Ma G, Dual-Modal Tracking of ransplanted MesenchymalStem Cells after Myocardial Infarction Int J Nanomedicine. 2011;6:815-23

27. YaoYY,Yin H, Shen B, Smith RS Jr, Liu Y, Gao L, Chao L, Chao J Tissue kallikreinpromotes neovascularization and improves cardiac function by the Akt-glycogensynthase kinase-3β pathway. Cardiovascular Research.  2008 Dec 1;80(3):354-64

28. YaoYY, Yin H., Shen B., ChaoL. and Chao J.. Kallikrein infusion minimizes myocardial infarction andinflammation through suppression of oxidative stress and mitogen-activatedprotein kinase signaling pathway. Regulatory Peptides. 2007, 5;140(1-2):12-20.

29. Yao Y Y., Yin H., Shen B., Chao L. and Chao J..Tissue kallikrein and kinin infusion rescues failing myocardium aftermyocardial infarction, Journal of Heart Failure 2007 Sep;13(7):588-96.



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