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Personal Information

  • 副教授
  • 导师类别:硕士生导师
  • 性别: 女
  • 学历:博士研究生
  • 学位:博士


Contact Information

  • 所属院系:医学院
  • 所属专业: 基础医学
  • 邮箱 : 101012573@seu.edu.cn
  • 工作电话 : -


Personal Profile

王洪梅,女,上岗副研究员,硕士生导师,2019年荣获“江苏省东南大学至善学者”称号,2017年荣获“德国洪堡学者”称号。主要从事内分泌、代谢机制研究等工作。主持国际自然科学基金青年项目1项,至善基金1项,德国洪堡基金1项,主持教育部2022年产学合作协同育人项目1项。在Cell Research, Cell reports, Diabetologia, FASEBjournal, Cell Calcium等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文31余篇,其中第一作者或通讯21篇,中科院一区影响因子大于10文章5篇,最高影响因子46.297。

  • 研究方向Research Directions

1. 主持江苏省至善基金--“TRPC1对垂体内分泌机制调控”(No.2242021R41070, 2020.1-2022.12)

2. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金--“PTPN18对乳腺癌发生发展的机制调控研究”(No. 81602327, 2017.01-2019.12)

3. 主持德国洪堡基金--“TRPC1对脂肪肝作用机制的研究”(No.2017-01-2020-12)



1. 主持江苏省至善基金--“TRPC1对垂体内分泌机制调控”(No.2242021R41070, 2020.1-2022.12)

2.主持国家自然科学基金青年基金--“PTPN18对乳腺癌发生发展的机制调控研究”(No. 81602327, 2017.01-2019.12)

3. 主持德国洪堡基金--“TRPC1对脂肪肝作用机制的研究”(No.2017-01-2020-12)



1.     Wang, H.M., Dong, J.H., Li, Q., Hu, Q., Ning,S.L., Zheng, W., Cui, M., Chen, T.S., Xie, X., Sun, J.P., et al. (2014a). A stress response pathway in mice upregulatessomatostatin level and transcription in pancreatic delta cells through Gs andbeta-arrestin 1. Diabetologia 57, 1899-1910. (一区,IF: 10.46,第一作者)

2.     Wang, H.M., Xu, Y.F., Ning, S.L., Yang, D.X., Li, Y., Du, Y.J., Yang,F., Zhang, Y., Liang, N., Yao, W., et al.(2014b). The catalytic region and PEST domain of PTPN18 distinctly regulate theHER2 phosphorylation and ubiquitination barcodes. Cell research 24, 1067-1090. (一区,IF: 46.297,第一作者)

Comment:Doody, K. M. & Bottini, N."PEST control": regulation of molecular barcodes by tyrosinephosphatases. Cell research 24, 1027-1028, doi:10.1038/cr.2014.100 (2014).

3.     HuiminQi, Ping Wang, Xiaohan Li, Xinwei Hao, Wenxiu Tian, Liting Yu, Jiajian Tang,Junhong Dong, Hongmei Wang (2022); ADAMDEC1 accelerates GBM progressionvia activation of the MMP2-related pathway, Frontiers in Oncology,https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2022.945025 (二区,IF: 5.738,通讯作者)

4.      Jiong Wang, Sen Qiao, Shenzhi Liang, ChengQian, Yi Dong, Minghang Pei, Hongmei Wang, Guangming Wan (2022); TRPM4and TRPV2 are two novel prognostic biomarkers and promising targeted therapy inUVM; Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.985434. eCollection 2022 (二区,IF: 6.113,通讯作者)

5.      Zhenming Wang, Junhong Dong, Wenxiu Tian, SenQiao, Hongmei Wang (2022), Role of TRPV1 ion channel in cervicalsquamous cell carcinoma genesis, Frontiers in MolecularBiosciences, doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.980262. eCollection 2022 (二区,IF: 6.113,通讯作者)

6.     Cheng Zhang, Cong Xu, ChuanshunMa, Qinghua Zhang, Siyuan Bu, Dao-Lai Zhang, Liting Yu, Hongmei Wang(2022), TRPs in Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma: the expression patterns,prognostic roles, and potential therapeutic targets, Frontiersin Molecular Biosciences, 2022 Jun 24;9:915409. doi:10.3389/fmolb.2022.915409. (二区,IF:6.113,通讯作者)

7.     Ping Lei, Hongmei Wang,Liting Yu, Cong Xu, Lanqin Li, Dao-lai Zhang (2022), A Correlation Study of Adhesion GProtein-coupled Receptors as Potential Therapeutic Targets in Uterine CorpusEndometrial Cancer, International Immunopharmacology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intimp.2022.108743  (二区,IF:5.714,共同一作)

8.     Yusheng Liu, Yihan Lyu, HongmeiWang (2022), TRP Channels as Molecular Targets toRelieve Endocrine-Related Diseases, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.895814(二区,IF:6.113,通讯作者)

9.     WenxiuTian, Huimin Qi, Zhimei Wang, Sen Qaio, Ping Wang, Junhong Dong, HongmeiWang (2022), Hormones Supply to the Pituitary Gland: A Comprehensive Review to FemaleRelated Tumors, International Journal of Molecular Medicine, https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2021. 802100(二区,IF: 5.314,通讯作者)

10. WenxiuTian, Ping Wang, Zhimei Wang, Huimin Qi, Junhong Dong, Hongmei Wang (2021),PhospholipidPhosphatase 4 as a Driver of Malignant Glioma and Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma,Frontiers in Oncology, https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2021.790676 (二区,IF: 5.738,通讯作者)

11. Wang, H., Bu, S., Tang, J., Li, Y., Liu,C., and Dong, J. (2021). PTPN5 promotes follicle-stimulating hormone secretionthrough regulating intracellular calcium homeostasis. FASEB journal : officialpublication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 35, e21756. (二区,IF: 5.834,第一作者)

12.Bu, S., Lv, Y., Liu, Y., Qiao, S., and Wang, H.(2021). Zinc Finger Proteins in Neuro-Related Diseases Progression. Frontiersin neuroscience 15, 760567. (二区,IF: 5.152,通讯作者)

13. Xian, W., Wang, H.,Moretti, A., Laugwitz, K.L., Flockerzi, V., and Lipp, P. (2020). Domain zippingand unzipping modulates TRPM4's properties in human cardiac conduction disease.FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societiesfor Experimental Biology 34, 12114-12126. (二区,IF: 5.834,共同一作)

14. Hofmann, L., Wang, H.,Beck, A., Wissenbach, U., and Flockerzi, V. (2017a). A conserved gating elementin TRPV6 channels. Cell calcium 63,24-28. (二区,IF: 6.817,共同一作)

15. Hofmann, L., Wang, H.,Zheng, W., Philipp, S.E., Hidalgo, P., Cavalie, A., Chen, X.Z., Beck, A., andFlockerzi, V. (2017b). The S4---S5 linker - gearbox of TRP channel gating. Cellcalcium 67, 156-165. (二区,IF: 6.817,共同一作)

16.Amini, M., Wang, H., Belkacemi, A., Jung, M., Bertl,A., Schlenstedt, G., Flockerzi, V., and Beck, A. (2019). Identification ofInhibitory Ca(2+) Binding Sites in the Upper Vestibule of the Yeast VacuolarTRP Channel. iScience 11, 1-12. (IF:5.458)

17. Xian, W., Hui, X., Tian, Q., Wang,H., Moretti, A., Laugwitz, K.L., Flockerzi, V., Ruppenthal, S., and Lipp,P. (2018). Aberrant Deactivation-Induced Gain of Function in TRPM4 Mutant IsAssociated with Human Cardiac Conduction Block. Cell reports 24, 724-731. (IF: 9.423)

18. Li, H., Yang, F., Liu, C., Xiao,P., Xu, Y., Liang, Z., Wang, H., Wang, W., Zheng, W., Zhang, W., et al. (2016). Crystal Structure andSubstrate Specificity of PTPN12. Cell reports 15, 1345-1358. (IF:9.423)

19. Yang, F., Yu, X., Liu, C., Qu,C.X., Gong, Z., Liu, H.D., Li, F.H., Wang, H.M., He, D.F., Yi, F., et al. (2015). Phospho-selectivemechanisms of arrestin conformations and functions revealed by unnatural aminoacid incorporation and (19)F-NMR. Nature communications 6, 8202. (IF: 14.919)

20. Xiao, P., Wang, X., Wang, H.M.,Fu, X.L., Cui, F.A., Yu, X., Wen, S.S., Bi, W.X., and Sun, J.P. (2014). Thesecond-sphere residue T263 is important for the function and catalytic activityof PTP1B via interaction with the WPD-loop. The international journal ofbiochemistry & cell biology 57,84-95. (IF: 4.046)

21. Li, R., Xie, D.D., Dong, J.H., Li,H., Li, K.S., Su, J., Chen, L.Z., Xu, Y.F., Wang, H.M., Gong, Z., et al. (2014). Molecular mechanism ofERK dephosphorylation by striatal-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase.Journal of neurochemistry 128,315-329. (IF:3.91)

22. Liu, J., Chen, M., Li, R., Yang,F., Shi, X., Zhu, L., Wang, H.M., Yao, W., Liu, Q., Meng, F.G., et al. (2012). Biochemical andfunctional studies of lymphoid-specific tyrosine phosphatase (Lyp) variantsS201F and R266W. PloS one 7, e43631. (IF: 3.534)

23.  Chunhua Liu, Wei Zhang, Guozheng Xu, DaolaiZhang, Cheng Zhang, Sen Qiao, Zhimei Wang, Hongmei Wang(2022), Deep Multilayer Brain Omics Identifies Molecular Networks in Glioma'sDisease Progression, FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation ofAmerican Societies for Experimental Biology (二区,IF: 5.834,通讯作者)

24. Zhenming Wang, Huimin Qi, WenxiuTian, Junhong Dong, Hongmei Wang, PLPP2 as A Key Predictor of Prognosisfor Breast Cancer, Significantly Regulates Cell Proliferation and Metastasis, Immunobiology(三区,IF: 3.152,通讯作者)

25. Ning Nannan, Ruihong Zhang, ZiqiShang, Zhiping Liu, Zhizhou Xia, Yang Li, Ruibao Ren, Hongmei Wang, YiZhang; A Novel Microtubule Inhibitor Promotes Tumor Ferroptosis by AttenuatingSLC7A11/GPX4 Axis, FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation ofAmerican Societies for Experimental Biology (二区,IF: 5.834,通讯作者)

26. Lingyan Huang, Liping Li, Tao Ma,Haifeng Jiang, Ruixiao Wang, Xiaozhen Chen, Ke Xu, Chen Chen, Zhe Han, HongmeiWang; STK33 Promotes the Proliferation and Metastasis of Human EsophagealSquamous Cell Carcinoma via Inflammation Related Pathway, Human cell, (三区,IF: 4.374,通讯作者)

27. Hui Zhang, Chunhua Liu, XiaoqianZhai, Qianqian Zhang, Yao Zhou, Hu Huang, Mingde Ding, Qiang Shi, Yan Liu,Guanghai Liu, Hongmei Wang; Disfunction ofcell-cell communication of immune cells in minimal-deviation adenocarcinoma ofthe cervix as an immunotherapeutic opportunity; Cancer letters (一区,IF:9.756,通讯作者)

28. Sen Qiao, Wenxiu Tian, YupingZhang, Zhenming Wang, Junhong Dong, Hongmei Wang; PTPN2 regulates tumormicroenvironment inflammation in Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, CANCER MEDICINE, (二区,IF:4.711,通讯作者)

29. Siyuan Bu, Ruirui Wang, XiaoweiZhang, Zhang Yong, Chunhua Liu, Hongmei Wang, Effects of diabetesmellitus with stroke on the intestinal flora, Frontiers in Neurology, (二区,IF:4.086,通讯作者)



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