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1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,81300060,MSC抑制ALI过度炎症反应的新机制——Wnt/β-catenin信号途径活化诱导调节性DC
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,82072154,O-GlcNAc糖基化修饰介导HAS2调控透明质酸合成在ARDS中的作用和机制研究
1. LiuAR, Du WJ, Xie JF, Xu JY, Huang YZ, Qiu HB, Yang Y. The role ofimmunodeficiency in Acinetobacter baumannii associated pneumonia in mice. ChinMed J (Engl). 2020 Sep 20; 133(18): 2161-2169.
2. LiuAR#, ParkJH, Zhang XW, Sugita S, Naito Y, Lee JH, Kato H, Hao Q, Matthay MA, Lee JW*.Therapeutic Effects of Hyaluronic Acid in Bacterial Pneumonia in Ex VivoPerfused Human Lungs. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2019, 200(10): 1234–1245.
3. LiuAR#, ZhangXW, He H, Zhou L, Naito Y, Sugita S, Lee JW*. Therapeutic potential ofmesenchymal stem/stromal cell-derived secretome and vesicles for lung injuryand disease. Expert Opin Biol Ther, 2020, 20(2):125–140.
4. LeeJH#, Liu AR, Park JH, Kato H, Hao Q, Zhang XW, Zhou L, Lee JW*.Therapeutic Effects of Hyaluronic Acid in Peritonitis-Induced Sepsis in Mice. Shock. 2020 Oct;54(4):488-497.
5. Liu AR#, Chen S#, Cai SX,Dong L,Liu L,Yang Y,Guo FM,Lu XM,He HL, Chen QH, Hu SL, Qiu HB*. Wnt5a throughnoncanonical Wnt/ JNK or Wnt/PKC signaling contributes to the differentiationof mesenchymal stem cells intotype II alveolar epithelial cells in vitro. PLosOne, 2014, 9(3): e90229
6. Liu AR#, Liu L, Chen S, Yang Y, Zhao HJ, Liu L, Guo FM,Lu XM, Qiu HB*. Activation of canonical wnt pathway promotesdifferentiation ofmouse bonemarrow-derived MSCs into type II alveolarepithelial cells, confersresistanceto oxidative stress, and promotes theirmigration to injured lungtissue invitro, Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2013, 228(6): 1270-1283.
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